Authors note: Zwart-situation – Her uncle is talking about the attack. It's some sort of code name.
It was an early morning and Danique was sitting at the Gryffindor table, eating her breakfast. She was sitting with her elbow resting on the surface of the wooden table, with her palm resting against her slightly rosy cheek. Danique tried to ignore the looks of worry that Emily seemed to send her way every thirty seconds, she could understand why Emily felt the need to be worried about her, since she didn't sleep very well or often and when she lost the fight against sleep, it didn't turn out very well. It usually ended with Danique being rather terrified and Emily not sure of what to do. Danique was sure that the other girls in their dormitory thought of her as absolutely insane.
It was the least to say that when the gray owl suddenly sat beside her, Danique got utterly surprised. It seemed like she had been in deep thought once again. She let go of her spoon, which made a high-sounding noise when it made contact with the porcelain. Before her sat Damia with a rather small envelope in her beak, patiently waiting for the girl to take the letter. Danique reached out and took the letter and carefully stroke the owls' little head as a way of saying 'thank you'.
"Uh.. Bedankt, Dima." Danique said with a forced smile on her lips as she turned the envelope around so that she could see who it was sent from. Danique looked up at the owl again as it bit down onto the piece of paper again, pulling at it like she wanted it back. Danique raised her eyebrows in a way to ask the owl what the fuss was all about, the letter was clearly for her. "Oh!" She said as realization struck her like lightning.
"There you go, have this little raspberry." She said as she offered the owl a raspberry from her porridge. Dima seemed pleased with the raspberry as a payment since she flew away with it as fast as she could.
"You got your first letter!" Emily squealed as she laid her eyes on the letter in Danique's hands. To be honest Emily had been a little worried about the fact that Danique never got letters. She had thought that she would get a whole lot since Danique's situation had been different, starting Hogwarts at the sixth year of studying magic and witchcraft.
"Yeah.." Danique answered, being slightly distracted. She recognized the hand writing that was on the front of the letter. She would recognize those small and messy letters anywhere, it was her Uncle's hand writing, not that she was expecting letters from anyone else, anyways. His hand writing had always been quite messy, to be honest, for most people it was probably not even readable. He would always joke about it and say that his brain 'was working so fast his hand couldn't keep up, therefore the small and messy letters'. A lot of the time the paper would be decorated with ink splashes here and there.
"Aren't you going to open it?" Emily asked.
Danique glanced down at the white envelope before shaking her head. "No, I'll open it later." She said as she put it in her school bag, full of her books and other things that she found necessary.
Later that evening Danique found herself sitting on her bed, thinking about the letter that her Uncle had sent her. Small water drops were leaving the ends of her hair, falling down onto her pyjama clad legs. She had been in need of a shower ever since the Weasley twins had decided to prank her, by putting one of their own experimental candy together with her own candy. Their excuse had been 'that they can't leave anyone behind, you do not get a pass just because you happen to be friends with out friend.' Which lead to Danique eating that specific candy, not being aware that she would be left behind with a stinky cloud gathering around her. The prank had not been fun for anyone, neither Danique herself or the people that happened to be sitting in the library at the same time as her. The Weasley twins had been laughing hysterically at it, until the very unpleasant, rotten smell had reached their own nostrils. Danique shook her head, feeling a little tense because of the slight anger she was feeling. She almost wanted to think of them as ill-mannered, but she knew that would not be fair to their mother or father, since she had met Ron and Ginny and they were both very sweet and polite. She was sure that the Weasley parents were doing a good job, doing their best in all situations. Maybe the twins just happened to be a hopeless case. It angered her that they drew bad attention to her, knowingly and by purpose. Like she needed more attention! It seemed that the one thing she had wished for when she had started here, was a lot harder to achieve than she thought.

Circumspect [George Weasley]
FanfictionIn which a shy and quiet former student from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, get transfered to Hogwarts to start her sixth year. Suffering from the traumatic attack on her and her father, the very same attack which lead to her fathers death, only leav...