Shattering Timelines Back and Forth

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Episode 1: Entry

Shattering Timelines Back and Forth

Beach City is silent, no sound coming from the normally loud area, no cars or people populating the sidewalks and streets, no seagulls flying overhead, just the eerily peaceful quiet. The wind blew the tree, the waves crashed against the shore, and a loud sobbing could be heard by the beach, the only noises that broke the silence. If anyone were to have been in the area, what they would've had to noticed, after the almost painful silence, would be strong scent of rusting metal in the air.

On the beach, a dark figure stands, gently tossing and catching a small, ball shaped hourglass, watching the waves intently.

"You know..." It said, a voice that of a teenage boy. "the multiverse is a strange place... Nothing is set... No one is set." He chuckled. "Love is one of the strangest things in it. There are no boundaries on the differences that can occur.

"...In some, two can be close." Two images appeared before him, one showing Garnet hugging herself tightly, the second showing Lapis and Peridot, with her limb enhancers on, laying back to back with dark blushes on their faces. "While in another, the same two can be enemies." The first image changed to an unfused Sapphire looking longingly at an angry Ruby, the second turning to Lapis and Peridot sitting at opposite sides of a barn with a white line taped down the middle, Lapis happily talking to Steven while giving a few short glares towards Peridot every so often.

"Or how in one universe, two could be the closest of friends, like siblings," The images turned into three, one showing Steven and Connie joyfully sparing with a shield and sword respectively, the second becoming a young Steven riding on Lapis' back as he showed her the city, a third showing Peridot and Amethyst sitting on a couch watching tapes of Little Butler. "and in the next, are an example of a perfect relationship." The first changed to Connie kissing a surprised Steven, the second becoming Lapis happily cuddling with a sleeping adult Steven, the third becoming Amethyst grinning mischievously as she hoisted a blushing Peridot over her head, Garnet in the background giving a thumbs up.

"Or how the most pure thing can be the biggest monster this world has ever seen." The images combined and changed to a large eye, a burning pine tree behind it.

"Heh...I hate it." The beast crushed the image, it poofing into a cloud of smoke before disappearing entirely. "In the end, there's nothing special, nothing is really worth anything if it can be so easily replaced." The creature turned, a mad grin upon its face. "So, now do understand?"

Behind him, on her knees, crying and sobbing, was Lapis, cradling a broken rose quartz gem. She didn't move as the beast came closer, no fight left in her.

"How worthless you all are?" He stopped, looming over her. He waited for a reaction, for Lapis to do anything. He didn't think she would, the Lapis gems he had met across the multiverse normally wouldn't after their whole world was taken from them. He would just watch and wait for one of them to break the pattern, to find one that wouldn't just sit there and wait to join their only friend. It wouldn't happen this time though. He could see it in her eyes, she was just as broken as the many he had slayed before her.

He raised his hand. "I guess you can find solace knowing that, even after this, there are millions of you two left." His hand glowed a harsh pink before firing a blast straight towards her.

Apocalypse Anomaly: Present

Steven let out a scream, jumping up in his bed. He sat for a moment, allowing his breathing to come to a slow before letting out a sigh. "...Another one..." He said solemnly.

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