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Lapis and Steven cried out in pain as the bright light surrounded them. The light burned them, tried to tear them apart. It was as if their very existences were being ripped from them, atom from atom. It was painful, yet strangely serene. To describe it would be impossible. All Lapis knew right then was that she needed to stop it, now.

Lapis held on tightly to Steven, holding equally as tight to the hourglass he held in his grasp. She tried her best to tear it from his grip, only to find her energy drained. Lapis grunted as she continued to pull. No, she wouldn't let this happen. She hadn't gone through all the pain she had experienced just to lose him to this. She wouldn't let it take him from her.

Summoning all the strength she could muster, she grabbed hold of the orb even tighter and gave one more pull. It was as if she had just been cracked as it came free from Steven, but she couldn't fall then. This needed to end now. Using whatever power she had left, Lapis crushed the orb in her hand, and like that, the light faded and darkness engulfed her.

Bismuth's eyes snapped open, looking around to find the world was still stable. "Whoa, what was that?" She asked, looking around. "Surely I couldn't have just imagined it."

As she began to wonder if she was going crazy, she heard yelling far off in the distance. Turning, she found two boys flying towards her.

"There you are Water Wings." Bismuth scolded, crossing her arms. "Just what were you thinking, running away like that in a recently destroyed-"

"No time!" Both Stevens cried, grabbing onto her hands and pulling her in the direction they had come from.

"Hey, let go!" Bismuth snapped, pulling her hands from the hybrids' grasps.

"General Bismuth, we need to move now!" Rose Wings exclaimed.

Bismuth crossed her arms again. "Alright, what did you two do?" She asked.

Water Wings glared at the rainbow haired gem. "There are survivors, you sorry excuse for a general!"

Bismuth's eyes widened. "What?! Who?!"

"A Steven and a Lapis!" Rose Wings exclaimed. "We were on our way back when we saw them just appear out of a ball of light!"

Bismuth gave a bright smile. "Take me to them! We may have gotten here just in time!" She said, running in the direction the duo came from.

Ruined Anomaly; Present

Lapis' eyes snapped open, the water gem breathing heavily, like she'd just awoken from a nightmare.

"Oh, you're awake." A bored, nonchalant voice answered.

Lapis looked over to the voice, happy to find Steven. There was something off about the hybrid, but Lapis didn't care, leaping at him. The moment she did though, she felt what seemed to be water stopping her, wrapping around her stomach.

"Whoa." The Steven began. "I can get that you're worried about your pal, but I'm sure as heck not him. My name's Water Wings by the way."

Lapis stared for a moment. Slowly, her eyes moved farther down the hybrid's body, eyes widening as she saw a stream of water coming from his back. Then it clicked. This wasn't her Steven. She didn't know how or why, but this wasn't her Steven.

"Where is he?!" Lapis asked, trying again to leap forward, this time in hostility, the same trick as before keeping her back.

Water Wings gave her a bored look. "Maybe you shouldn't try to kill someone when you want something from them. You'd think past experience would've taught you that, but you're so afraid for your Steven that it's borderline stupidity." Water Wings took a glance into her eyes. When he did, he could see that it was almost all there.

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