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Sanctuary: Present

Steven, after everything he had been exposed to recently, couldn't help but feel a little underwhelmed at the sight before him. It was amazing, but still underwhelming in comparison. The dimension within this "Leo's" mane was astounding in its own right. The grass was the same golden color of a field and the sky was that of a beautiful sunset. To the left, Steven could see the same little island he had become accustomed to from his old pal's own little pocket dimension, however, instead of it holding the various objects he had known be there, the tree was completely empty. To the right, there was what appeared to be a small shack.

Steven could feel Lapis' presence as she popped up behind him, the rest of the gems following.

"So, this is where your leaders live?" Steven asked.

"Yep, only really special people are allowed in here." Bismuth said with a grin.

Steven blushed at the complement.

Bismuth led the group through the large, seemingly endless field to the only structure that didn't appear to be natural. By the time they reached it, Steven felt almost like he was fourteen again, going on adventures with Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl, learning new things every day, seeing more in a week than some saw in an entire lifetime. It took a moment to remember that the biggest adventure he had in the past five millennium had been when Lapis decided to lock the lab for the day and force him to spend time with her.

Steven listened as Bismuth opened the doors, not giving any indication of her presence to the two living within before entering. Steven questioned the decision for a moment before noticing the rest of the group follow suit. He supposed it was because they were apparently good friends, but it still seemed odd. Oh well, he might as well follow.

As Steven walked in, he had to take a step to avoid getting hit by something moving pretty fast. Steven quickly looked in the direction that the speeding object had gone, finding none other than another Steven working on what looked to be a much better version of the hourglass he had made, the boy floating in midair with a Lapis next to him.

Even though Steven had been told that he was one of the two leaders in this place, this Steven did not look any older than twelve years old, younger than he himself had been on the day he had been taken from his world. This Steven wore a rosy pink shirt with a cutout to expose the pink gem he had on his naval. His skin was a peach color, his dark hair holding pink at the end of each curl.

The Lapis was in a similar boat to the Steven. In fact, she looked almost a couple years younger than the Steven next to her. She wore a long, blue dress, a navy blue bow tied around her stomach. Her hair was long, coming down to the bottom of her shoulder blades.

Sure enough, the twosome's sclera, instead of the normal white, were a black color, the Steven and Lapis' irises pink and blue respectively. And, despite their young appearances, the two held intelligent looks within their eyes, as if they had watched entire star systems be born and die. Of course, from what he had been told earlier, this was entirely possible.

"Alright, if we place it in here like so…" The Steven said, carefully inserting a part into the orb. "and done. We have now doubled the power and speed." The Steven said. "Hopefully this will help us make better time when we're checking."

"I'll go send the designs to the gems and humans working on the hourglass project." The Lapis said, gently taking the device from him. She beginning towards the other side of the small house before her eye fell on the group.

The Lapis stared for a moment. Her eyes scanned over the group, almost seeming like she was trying to determine if they were hostile. As soon as her eyes landed on General Bismuth's gemstone, her eyes lit up.

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