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Ruined Anomaly: Present

Jasper growled as she kicked a rock away from her, anger welling within her. It's an odd and disturbing feeling to have everyone in an entire universe at arms length away. To know that, beyond the circle of four there, it is empty, completely empty. Not the kind of empty people normally know of, but a lifeless void where death reeks around you.

"Damn it!" The Jasper shouted. "We missed it…even with the message we couldn't save this one."

A pat on her shoulder turned her attention to a Peridot, the one reason she still fought, Green.

They had met each other after being saved from different timelines, Peridot being from one where her limb enhancers were actually a part of her and Jasper being the sole survivor of one where she, Lapis, and Peridot had been Steven's caretakers. Jasper and Peridot had joined the cause to destroy the beast that had caused so much pain.

Initially, they were only there for vengeance, as were many in the squad. Families, loved ones, children, friends, lovers, all wiped out by a single creature who wanted to bring the multiverse to a singularity. Who wouldn't want to see the beast die? Yet, as time went on, as the years passed and they fought and fought the same thing over and over again just hoping that one day they would win and end this nightmare, friendships grew, bonds came about. No longer had the hardhearted warriors come to fight to end a common enemy, they now fought for the preservation of those to their left and to their right. There was a deeper bond than hate that was made, love.

"It's okay Jazz." Green said. "There was nothing more we could've done. We got here as fast as we could after we received the signals, but even then we can't save them all."

"Still doesn't mean I didn't fail." Jazz said.

Green went silent for a moment. She was used to this now, her companion's moments of stress and depression. It was hard not to. The best they could do was let her go through the motions before picking up and going back to their base.

"Alright team, listen up!" A Bismuth called as she approached the couple, next to her a Steven with an expectant expression on his face. "We're going to head out soon. We need to make sure that the timelines in this sector haven't been attacked as well." She took a glance around her, immediately realizing something was . "Water Wings…Water Wings!" She called, looking around. She groaned. "I'm gonna kill him. Alright team, looks like we have to search the perimeter for our missing comrade…again" She said, aggravated. "Jazz, you and Green head into town." She said to the Peridot and Jasper. "Rose Wings," She said to the Steven. "you'll take to the skies. And I," She began, poking her thumb into her chest. "will head to the temple. We'll meet up here at six, understood?"

The Steven saluted. "Yes General Bismuth!"

"Then let's get a move on." Bismuth said before walking away.

"See you later guys." Rose Wing said before two large, rose petal wings sprouted from the gem on his back, the boy flying away.

Green, acting on instinct, began to walk in the direction she had been told. It was in her nature to follow orders. Upon taking a few steps, she turned back to her partner, finding the orange gem still sitting.

"Hey, you coming?" Green asked.

Jazz was silent for a moment before letting out a sigh. "Sure." She said, standing up. "I might as well help you all look for the missing brat."

Apocalypse Anomaly: Time Unknown

Steven lied outside, looking at the starry sky. It had become a pastime of his ever since the incident with Malachite. Lapis had been freed and had left the planet still on good terms with her only friend, but he still wondered about her.

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