Chapter 3- The strange break-in

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Chapter 3 - The strange break-in.

Emma's POV


All throughout my walk home I was quite happy with my decision. The deal definitely cheered me up and I was happier than ever! At least my granny will survive! Who would have thought being a waitress; a hot one, would get you more money than working in a firm? I smiled inwardly again. I soon reached my apartment, got out my key and unlocked the door. I froze at the sight in front of me. My house was in a complete and total mess!

What the hell just happened here? I thought to myself. I was beginning to hyperventilate, and in no time a panicky feeling overwhelmed me.

I quickly checked all the rooms in the house to see if anything was missing. Surprisingly, nothing at all had been taken. I heaved a sigh of relief. I also looked around for any bloody handprints or shoe prints, and luckily didn’t find any. Although, even if I did, it wasn’t like I knew what I would do next ; I’m not Nancy Drew and I can’t even tell between one clue and another. How pathetic is that?

But what I couldn’t figure out was why someone would get into my apartment and not even take a single thing? My day was getting stranger and stranger. I asked Mrs. Noah, my next door neighbour if she had heard someone breaking into my house, and her answer was equally surprising. “No dear, I have been here all morning and I haven’t heard a single sound."

I thanked her and entered my apartment once again. I stomped my feet in frustration. I couldn’t even complain to the police because there is nothing the police would do if there wasn’t even a theft. Why is it that bad things keep happening to good people? Oh well, at least I didn’t incur any major loss. It was still 10.30am so I decided to start cleaning up the living room and kitchen. By the time I had finished, it was already 1.00pm and I was tired out of my wits. The only thing I could think about was lunch, preferably a pizza, so I quickly ordered a small Margarita pizza and waited impatiently for it to arrive. It arrived in record time and I hurriedly ate it up and washed down the contents with a bottle of coke.

“Time for clean up,” I thought to myself, sighing. I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes. I wanted everything to freeze in time so that I didn’t have to get up and tidy up the rest of the house.  I hated to clean up, especially if it was something that I didn’t do. I wondered how I was going to be a waitress if the mere thought of cleaning up irritated me. I made up my mind that from now on I was never going to complain about tidying up, because if that was what was going to help me earn money and save my gran’s life, then I was ready to do that all my life- no questions asked. I quickly got up and headed towards my room. I picked up all the papers and books that were scattered around my room. Then I picked up broken pieces of a vase that once stood on my study table. After that I arranged all the clothes in my closet and lastly, I did my bed. My room looked perfectly normal now.

I then went to all the other rooms and did pretty much the same thing. When I finished, I realized it was getting dark outside. It was almost 6.30 pm now and I had worked non-stop for over 4 hours. My stomach gave a loud rumble. I didn’t know what was wrong with my stomach today, but I kept feeling hungry. Just then my phone gave a loud beep. I whipped it out of my right pocket and saw that Kylie had messaged me.

It read: Hey, wanna have dinner at Macy’s today?

I replied: Sure =D

No sooner had I pressed send that I realized what I had just done. Oh my God, I thought to myself. What if I blurt out something about the break- in?

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