Back to the Barn

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April's POV

We're returning to my family's Farmhouse once again. After another massive war with the Shredder, it left New York in pieces. But at least this time, we have Master Splinter. So glass half full, I guess. "I've concluded my journal entry for today, so I might as well go inside. I better watch Mikey, being that he's making lunch." I laugh to myself, heading inside the house.

Master Splinter's POV

My sons are so eager to show me around the Farmhouse and the Barn as well. They are happier with me being here than not, which makes me happy. "And this is your room, Sensei!" My second eldest, Raphael told me as we entered a small room accompanied by a bed. There was a dresser, mirror and closet as well. "Thank you, my sons. And to April and Casey as well." I smiled at them, deciding to settle in while I can before they drag me to the barn.

Donnie's POV

After showing Sensei to his room, I decided to excuse myself to the barn to maybe get some work done. During the attack with the Shredder, I discovered a cloning device of some sort, which is why the Shredder was in so many areas at the same time. So, being me, of course I'm going to mess around with it to see how it works. "Sup Don." And here's Casey. "Hey Casey." I respond dully, hoping that he'll leave me be. But that's obviously not happening. "What's that ya' got there?" He puts his hand on my shoulders, leaning in close to see. "Ugh, Casey! Personal space! And it's a cloning device!" I lash out, irritated. It's only been 3 minutes, and we already can't stand one another. "Knock it off, you two." Raph comes in to take Casey to the Farmhouse. Apparently, they have a dispute they need to settle, and videogames seems to be the way to go about it. "Bye, cave mouth." He glared briefly at me, muttering something under his breath. Peace at last.

Everyone but Donnie's POV

Raph had once again beaten Casey at the videogame they had been playing. "Aw snap, Casey got owned!" Mikey exclaimed, followed by laughter. "Alright Jones, it's my turn." April smirked as she took the controller. "Alright Red." Casey moved from the couch to the floor to watch as another match began. "And this is what you do, most of the time?" Master Splinter questioned. "Not all the time, Sensei. Just sometimes." Leonardo answered. Suddenly, a flash of aqua light consumed the room for a brief moment. "What the shell was that??" Raph yelled. "It seems like it was coming from the barn!!" Casey started to make his was to the front door. "Oh no! D!" Mikey sounded concerned as they sprinted to the barn. "Donnie!" everyone called as they entered to barn. But surprisingly, nothing was wrong. Donnie was fine. "Are you all okay?" Donnie asked as he approached them. "Yes we are but-" "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT??" Raph cut April off. "I don't know, I was messing with this cloning device when suddenly a bright light shot out from it." They all had nothing left to say, so they called it a night.

Casey's POV

I was having an awesome dream about my beating Hun's face in, when I felt something crawl onto my bed. I drowsily opened my eyes, and what saw made them widen. It... it was a 12 year old me... how is that even possible?? "Hey?" it spoke, making me jump a little. "Y-you're me!!??" I was legit frightened by this point. He laughed. "Yeah, and you are me." He laughed some more. "LOOK AT LIL ME! I'M SO CUTE!!" Mikey exclaimed from the hallway upstairs. Me and my little me exited my room, only to find a little version of Leo, Raph, April and Mikey. "Hey!" Little me smiled and waved. "Hey!" replied little Leo, April and Mikey while Raph responded with a, "Sup". "Do you all know eachother already?" April asked the little us's. "Nope." Said little Raph. "Okay then!" Mikey sounded really excited about this. "Little me, this is little April and regular April, Little Leo and regular Leo, Little Raph and regular Raph, little Casey and regular Casey. Raph meet little Leo, Little April meet Me, Little me meet Casey, little Casey meet-" Raph got annoyed. "We get it, shell-for-brains." Mikey frowned. "Hey everyone!" Little April replied. "Hey!" All the mini version exclaimed. Donnie walked out of his room, intrigued to see mini versions of us too. "It must have been the cloning device." Donnie theorized. "No, really?" I replied, with the intention of being a smartass. Little Casey had finished his conversation with Little Raph, only to turn his direction to a miniature Donatello. His eyes widened, tugging on my jacket to get my attention. "Yeah?" I bent down to match my Little self's height. "Who is that...?" He pointed to the Little Donnie. "Oh, that just Donnie. A.k.a, the nerd!" I laughed and Donnie glared. Little Casey decided to join the group of Little clones. As he approached Donnie, his heart beat increased, which he loved. He enjoyed someone who could excite him. "Um, hey?" He smiled at Donnie. "Hello...!" For being so talkative as a teen, younger Donnie actually seemed to be more silent and soft spoken. "Do you want to hang out?" Little Casey smiled again, attempting to be charming. "Sure!" Little Donnie accepted his offer, traveling down the stairs with Little Casey. I look around, barely noticing Little Donnie and me going downstairs into the living room. "Where are they going?" I said aloud. "Who?" Leo responded. "Little me and Little Don." My words came out blunt and uninterested in the situation. Although, Donnie seemed curious. "I don't know." Mikey headed down the stairs with us following behind. We walked in the see the two sitting next to eachother, watching "Cragnard: The barbarian". They seemed to be enjoying each other's company. "Well, there's something you don't see every day." Said April and she smiled, although Donnie and Casey exchanged looks of confusion. "Would someone care to explain why there are younger you's and the fact that they all calling my 'Dad'?" Master Splinter laughed as the Little April, Raph, Mikey and Leo hugged him.

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