Unexpected Affection

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Little Donnie's POV

"Little" Casey and I seem to hangout a lot, and apparently that's an extremely odd thing for us to be doing. At least, according to our older self's. But, believe it or not, I enjoy Casey's company. We have a lot more in common than we thought, and we get a long pretty well too. But... there is one this that has thrown me for a loop recently. Casey told me he loved me. At first, I thought he meant like a brother or as family, but I'm pretty sure that isn't the case. I honestly don't know how to feel, and I haven't told my older self about it yet. We'll see what happens, I guess. "Boo!" Casey had hugged me from behind, snapping me out of my thoughts. I have to admit, I love being in his embrace, it's so comforting. "Aaah!" I pretend to be frightened, failing by laughing afterwards. "Breakfast is ready!" He held out his hand to take me to the kitchen, which I accept his hand, following him. "Morning you two!" Little Mikey greeted us with a mouth full of eggs. We laughed. After our breakfast, Sensei told us it was time to start training. We've been here 2 months already, so we've gotten the hang of things around here. Training would last 6-8 hours at the most, which I didn't mind. But today, after our training was concluded, I found my blushing uncontrollably in front of Little Casey. Being that he had gone scavenging for roses for me. "Got you flowers." He seemed a little shy in speaking to me. "T-thank you..." I took the roses, hold them close to me. I smile spread across my face. "What is going on...??" The older Me seemed baffled. "Did I just give you... roses??" Older Casey and Older Me exchanged looks of what appeared to be disgust. "Yes, you did." Little Casey huffed, ignoring their opinion.

Little April's POV

"How can Casey be in love with him? Isn't he supposed to be in love with me??" I have been venting to Little Mikey, Raph And Leo. "Well, no one really said they were 'suppose' to be in love with you, April." Raph replied sarcasticly. "Awww, but don't you guys think it's soooooooooooooooo cute that they're in love??" Mikey, being the hopeless romantic he is, enjoyed the situation. "No one said Donnie was in love with Casey, Mikey. It's just Casey." Leo corrected him. "Hmmm..." April seemed to have a plan, but it didn't involve good intentions. "Maybe, if I get Donnie to like me instead of Casey, I could end this crazy relationship." She smiled. "Why would you do that? Don't you want them to be happy?" Mikey looked as though he had been betrayed. "Mikey, one of them is supposed to be with me, not them with each other!" She argued with Mikey for 15 minutes about it. Until they heard someone coming to the room they were in. It was older Raph. "You guys okay? It sounded like someone was having an argument." April lied, shaking her head. "Nope!" She smiled innocently. Raph knew it was a façade, so he asked Little Raph it accompany him downstairs. "Okay little me, what's really going on?"

Casey and Donnie's POV

"This is ridiculous!" Donnie exclaimed from the Barn. "We don't like eachother!" Casey agreed with him. "Yeah! I'm not in love with you!" They were both upset with the situation. "Do you think we should try to break them up?" Casey suggested. "But it's little versions of us... would you really want to hurt yourself...?" Casey nodded, he had to admit, the nerd had a point. "Well then, what do we do...?" Donnie shrugged. "I'm unsure. But I mean, they're young. Maybe it's just a little crush that doesn't mean anything." Donnie tried to paint the picture in a better light. "Pssh, I hope so..." Casey muttered, returning to his work.

Raph, Little Raph, Leo, April, Mikey, Little Leo, Little Mikey and Master Splinter's POV

"So, Little me filled me in on the current situation. Being that, Little April is trying to break up Little Donnie and Little Casey." Raph started the discussion. "What? Why would I do that??" April seemed ashamed of her younger self. She should know better. "Younger Donatello and Casey are in a relationship?" Splinter seemed shocked that he wasn't aware of it. "Yeah, Sensei! And they are so cute!" Little Mikey said with enthusiasm. "No way, really!!?" Mikey seemed just as joyful. "Totally!" Little Mikey and Mikey "Awww" in unison. "Okay, okay. We get it you two. You think it's cute." Leo ended that conversation. "So, what are you suggesting we do, Raph?" Little Leo asked Older Raph. "Well, I for one, think we should find out Little April's plan and stop it." Mikey contributed. "Okay, one, I was talking to Raph. But, two, that's not a bad idea." Little Leo agreed. "Or-" April began, " I'll speak with my younger self and see if I can change my mind." Everyone nodded in agreement. "Thank you for telling us." Master Splinter nodded in Little Raph and Raph's direction. "No problem, Sensei." Little Raph smiled.

Little Donnie's POV

Casey decided that maybe we should chill on the roof. The stars was elegant that night. He gently put his arm around me, causing me to blush a little. "So... are we together now or...?" Little Casey asked. "I don't know yet..." I smiled, knowing how eager he is for an answer. "Okay, okay." He had given up on asking about it. I was hesitant about making eye contact with him. But after a few minutes of playing the "Looking at one them while they don't notice" game, our eyes met. We stared at one another for a while, before I noticed Casey had slowly coming closer to me. My heart raced, a million things running through my head. But sadly, we couldn't even kiss because our older self's found us and ruined the moment. Thanks a lot. "Come on, Little me, it's time for dinner." Said Little Casey's older self. Mine saying similar. After they left we started to make our way off the roof. Once we reached the door, Casey stopped and gave me a kiss on the cheek before heading inside. I stood there frozen for a few minutes before turning red and walking inside. That night, all I could think about was him. " ~My sweet, sweet Casey." I whispered before drifting off to sleep.

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