Sick Day for Casey

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Donnie's POV

"Awww... you're burning up...." I rested my hand on Casey's forehead. He was getting a fever. "No! I'm fine...! I can take care of you...!" He attempted to get up, but immediately collapsed as he lost all the energy he had in mere seconds due to his illness. "Don't get up...!"  I smiled reassuringly. "It's okay... I'll take care of you today..." I gave him his cell phone. "I'm going to make you some breakfast. Call or text me if you need anything." I placed I quick kiss on his head, before leaving the room. As I headed to the kitchen, I was greeted by my brothers, Father and April. "So where's Casey?" Raph asked as he looked around the room. "He's got a fever, so I told him to stay in bed until he gets better." Mikey frowned. "Oh no! We need to make him better!" He ran past me into the kitchen, already starting breakfast and some soup for Casey. I guess he took my idea. "Man, that sucks." Leo replied bluntly. "Yeah, but I'll heal him." I smiled. "You better." Raph playfully punched my arm. "Well, the guys and I were gonna train. Do you want to join us?" April offered. But for some reason, her words came off a bit odd. "Uh... No. That's okay. I think I should stay here to keep an eye on Mikey and Casey." She averted her eyes. "Fine. Sure. Be with Casey." Now I could tell there was resentment in her voice. "Well then," Master Splinter cut in, "We'll be off." With that, they left. All that was left was the sound of Mikey cooking.

Casey's POV

I felt bad. Today was another day that I wanted to pamper Donatello. But I'm too sick to do anything. My body aches and I gave a bad headache. This blows. Vvvvrrrr. "Huh?" I received a text. It was from April. So I answered it.

April: Hey. How are you feeling?

Casey: Terrible. :P You?

April: Alright I guess. Just waiting to train with the guys.

Casey: Aww! No fair! I want to train with you guys! You can't hog all the fun! Lol.

April: Yeah...

April: Speaking of hogging, how long are you gonna hog Donatello?

At first, the text made me feel a bit uneasy. But I decided to laugh it off...

Casey: What are you talking about, Red? Lol. I'm not hogging anyone.

April: I beg to differ.

Casey: Um...

Okay, this was getting strange.

April: Everything was going fine before you decided to steal him away from me.

April: ...Us.

Casey: What...?

April: Don't play dumb Jones. I may have had a thing for you but I had a thing for Donatello more. Then you have the audacity to steal him away?? You're all he ever thinks and talks about! He never even noticed me anymore!

Woah. This escalated quickly...!

Casey: April... I don't know what you want me to do about this... It's not my fault he feel the same way... besides... he's the one who had that dream...!

April: Enough about that stupid dream!! It means nothing! I'm gonna break you two, Jones. I will. And so help me, if you say a words to Donnie there will be consequences.

Casey: ...

I decided the left the chat. She was freaking me out! Does she seriously want me to leave Donnie?? She's crazy! "Knock, knock love! Can I come in?" I know I had to tell him what happened. By the way, he's so cute when he does that knock knock thing! Awww! "Of course, hon!" He entered. "Brought some breakfast for yo-" I put my finger on his lips. I mouthed, "Close the door, we need to talk..." which he understood. He shut the door and sat on the bed. I then handed him my phone. "You might want to read this..."

Master Splinter's POV

There was a disturbance. I could feel it. Something was not right. But I had no idea what... although, I could infer that it involved April. Later on, I addressed Michaelangelo, Raphael and Leonardo about it. The conveyed that they felt the same as me. We all agreed to keep a close eye on April, Casey and Donatello...

April's POV

I saw Donnie cleaning the dishes, ad thought I would help out. I approached him. "Hey Don!" I cheerfully greeted him. But in return he gave me a death glare that sent chills up my spine. "Don...? What's wrong...?" He said nothing and headed for the stairs. Before he left,he turned to me. "I know what you said." And left with that. My heart sunk. He knows...???? Casey! He must've shown him the texts!! How dare he..!! Now Donatello hates me...!!! This ruins everything... well... maybe not everything...

(こんいちわ! Sorry it took so long for me to update the story. School is very time consuming. <X3 I hope you enjoyed the chapter!)

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