Dreams are weird...

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Donnie's POV

I hate this... Casey's gone from 5:00 AM to 10:00 PM everyday. We never talk that much when he gets home since he's exhausted half of the time. I keep thinking about what it was like before... before everything happened. Maybe we got married too quickly... maybe we weren't ready for Eric yet... maybe we weren't supposed to have everything this quickly... maybe- "Don..?" I shook my head. "Uh- yeah? Sorry, I was spacing out..." My hands started to tremble. Damn it. "What's wrong...? You're hands are trembling and your pale...!" Casey was nothing but concerned for me. I tried to deny it. "I'm fine! What are you talking about? I have you and Eric, I couldn't be happier!" Attempting to be enthusiastic. His eyes. They changed again. To fear. "Are... are you having second thoughts...?" I looked at him, speechless. I wasn't having second thoughts, I was just... "No... I just..." I sighed. "Maybe we rushed into this, Casey..." I avoided his eyes. It hurt to look at him right now. "What do you mean...?" He held my hand, but that just made my anxiety worse. "About everything Casey! Eric! The Wedding! The house! Your job! Our relationship! I just... I wish we could've just taken things slow... I hate to say it, but this feels like... a nightmare..." He only smiled. Why was he smiling!? Can't he see how troubled and confused I am!? "Well then maybe you should wake up, Don...." He kissed me. My eyes shot open. I was in the farm house. It was September 15th. A day after we moved to the Farm House again. It... it wasn't real!? "ERIC!!" I yelled. I ran out of my room. "ERIC??" Leo walked from out of the kitchen. "Who are you calling for?" He seemed confused. "Eric! Your nephew?? My son!?" My eyes showed pain. "Don, what the shell are you talking about?? You don't have a son, you're 15!" He looked really concerned after that statement. I look at my finger. No ring. So... it was all a dream. "....Um... sorry... I guess, I just had a really crazy dream..." I slowly walked on each step of the stairs. I was in complete disbelief. How was that even possible?? The kiss felt real! Our son felt real! Me getting injured by Casey's Dad felt real! The wedding! Everything! "Don, are you feeling okay?" Mikey entered the room. "For some reason, he thinks he has a son named Eric." Mikey turned to me, smiling. "Aww, who's the mom?" Leo smacked him lightly, making Mikey give a nasty look. "I was..." They looked shocked. "I'm sorry, what?" I looked at the ground. "I was the mother and Casey was the father..." Mikey was utterly confused. "Don, why don't you tell me about this dream of yours."

Casey's POV

"Hey Raph, what's up with Donnie?" It was rare that I had an interested in the nerd, but he seemed to be acting really strange. "How should I know? I haven't spoken to him all day." Raph glanced in my direction. Something caught his attention. "Hey." He pointed towards the window. "What are they doin'?" I looked out the window to see Leo givin' Don some kind of... therapy session. "Yo, I'm real concerned about Donnie now." I frowned. "Let's go see what's up." He exited the farm house, with me trailing behind. I sort of snooped around before we approached them. You can hear them talking clearly a few feet away. "Hey, what's goin-" Leo put his hand up, as a way of silencing Raph. "Not now. Don is telling me something very... intriguing. I need you two to kindly leave us be for a while." Raph shrugged, us exchanging looks of bafflement. With that, we left back to the Farm house. "Maybe he'll talk when he's done with Donnie." Raph left to the living to watch some television. Not for Casey Jones though. I decided to go up stairs and listen in on their conversation. I maybe not be a scientific genius, but I know a thing or two about eavesdropping. I had placed a walkie talkie near them while I was snooping about. Nice one, Casey! Thanks, Casey. "Now, go on." "Okay... so then, after you sent Casey and I together to do your treasure hunt, we... had a moment in the woods." I raised an eyebrow. What does that refer to? "Could you explain?" "Ugh. You're gonna make me say it." He sighed. "W-we... kissed... in the woods that night..." What?!? Me?? Kiss him?? "And this occurred in your dream?" "Yes..." It sounded like Leo was taking notes. "Proceed." I sat in that room for 2 hours, listening to Don's dream. It was really... intense. We had a kid, my Dad attacked them, we got married... Dude. It was crazy. "Do you... have an interest in Casey...?" I could help but blush. Don... likes me? "I-I don't know yet..." "Hm... seems reasonable. Well. Let me know if you need anything." I turned off the walkie talkie. I had to tell Raph.

Leo's POV

"And that was Donnie's dream, Sensei..." Master Splinter was shocked. "Hmm... that was a rather intriguing dream. So detailed..." I nodded in agreement. "Do you think it means something?" I looked at him. "I cannot say for sure, but it definitely feels as though Donatello does have a spark of affection for Casey..." He took the kettle of boiling water and poured it into our cups. "I think so too, Sensei. I'm going to do a test with Don. He requested that I record his behavior around Casey and relate it to his behavior before the dream." Splinter nodded."That seems reasonable." I smiled, drinking my tea.

Mikey's POV

I hope Donnie and Casey get together! I overheard Casey telling Raph about Donnie's dream. It was so romantic! Although, I'm sure they're both really confused... But I can't help them! Show them that they should be together!

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