I'll Listen...

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Raph's POV

After what happened that night, I became very worried and concerned for April. I decided to tall to her about it. I wanted her to feel she can trust me. Nobody else what to be around her right now, the only ones she actually sees anymore is either Master Splinter or Me. I knew there was more to what was going on... "April?" I know on her door a few times. "...Come in..." She sounded tired yet sad. Like she had been crying. I entered the room, closing the door behind me. I sat on the edge of the bed next to her. "You... okay?" I couldn't help but feel bad. Something in me knew that none of this was her fault. She simply nodded. "Well uh-" "Raph." I was cut off, but I didn't mind. "Yes?" She looked at me, as though she was hesitant to ask. "Why...why do you still trust me?" I looked down, and back at her. "Because, something in me tells me that none of what happened was your fault.... like... you weren't yourself...." Her eyes widened. "Oh my goodness! Yes!" I stood up and had a huge smile on her face. "W-what?" "I'm not going crazy!! Because now you know too!! I would've said something but I didn't think you guys would believe me!" I stood there, trying to wrap my head around what she was saying. "Wait..." She looked at me. "So, what your saying is that you're being controlled?" She nodded quickly. "It's her. I don't know how, but she came back and is in my head, controlling my actions whenever she pleases. Although, I've noticed at times she gets tried and 'falls asleep' and during that time I'm in control again." My heart stopped for a second. It's was little April all along?? How did she come back?? "I hope you believe me..! I swear, I would've never stabbed Casey in the shoulder!" She was tearing up. I quickly hugged her to calm her. "It's okay! I believe you!" I gave her a reassuring smile and told her to come with me to speak with Sensei.

Master Splinter's POV

"I see..." Raphael had confronted me with April about her recent behavior over the past few days. "How can we help you April?" April looked unsure. "Well, I would need to speak with Donnie about it but..." Raph sighed. "It's not like he really wants to see her right now, Sensei..." I stood up. "Well, we'll just have to convince him otherwise." Raph and April smiled and followed me to the barn to speak with Donatello.

Donnie's POV

Has Sensei lost his mind?? I just finished helping Casey with engine of the car, when I see Sensei walk in with Raph and April. I quickly stood in front of Casey so that it would be more difficult for her to cause bodily harm to him. I have to admit, I did glare at her a little. "Calm down, Donnie. Look, April wasn't at fault for what happened that night in the dinning room." I gave a puzzled look, so did Casey. I exchanged a glance with him before speaking. "I'm sorry, what?" After that, Raph and April explained what was really going on. Which explain the screaming and struggle April went through that same night. After their explanation concluded, Casey and I felt really bad about avoiding her and thinking she lost her mind. "We're really sorry Red..." April smiled a bit. "It's okay... I know it's kind of hard to believe..." "Yeah, but Donnie, we need your help to get Little April out of her head!" I nodded. I started rummaging through my inventions until I found it. The cloning device. "Hmm... maybe if I use the cloning device to pry little April out if the real April and pull her back into existence, I could the reverse the cloning affects and destroy her completely!" I smiled. Casey smiled brightly, giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "That's my genius!" I'm pretty sure my cheeks developed a soft shade of pink after that, because the others were laughing a bit. I needed some time to prep the machine, so I had the other return back to the farmhouse and keep a close eye on April. And also explain to Leo and Mikey.

April's POV

About 2 hours past by before Donnie called us back to the barn. He had officially completed his invention and was ready to put it in action. "Thank goodness. I'm so ready to get rid of her..." Everyone got into position, ready to attack in case Little April tried anything. "Okay. 3... 2... 1...!!" He pressed a single button on the cloning device, causing a flash of light to engulf the entire barn. And there she was. She glared at us. "Nice going, geniuses. You brought me back into the real world! And now, I'm going to kill-!" Donnie quickly pressed a separate button during her little speech. "Aaaaggrh! NOOOO!!" She was being dragged back into the device, were she would be trapped forever. Once she was in side the device, Leo, Raph, Mikey and Casey slapped it out of Donnie's hand and began stomping on it mercilessly. I couldn't help but laugh a little though. Then they all hugged me. "We're glad to have you back April!!" Mikey smiled. "It's nice to be back." I replied. "And Casey..." He looked at me. "I'm really sorry about your shoulder..." He smiled and shrugged. "It's cool. Don said it would heal in a few months or so. " He gently rubbed his wounded shoulder as he said this. Donnie then hugged him softly, as to not reopen the wound. "You'll be fine, I promise." Then the laughed a bit. "Okay, so who wants Pizza? I'm starving." Leo took the attention away from Casey and Donnie. Everyone agreed on having some Pizza and we all left back to the farm house. I'm just glad this is all over.

Raph's POV

I saw April on the porch outside, so I decided to check on her to see if she's okay. "You alright?" She jumped a little. Guess I took her by surprise. "Yeah, I'm fine." She smiled briefly. "Hey, I just want you to know that if you ever need some to talk to, I'm here." She looked at me again. There was a long silence, but she hugged me. "Thanks..." I hugged back. "I promise, I'll listen..." After chatting for bit we headed back inside to be greeted by Mikey who set up a bored game for us all the play. That night ended on a good note.

(Hey! Hope you enjoyed the Chapter! If you have any suggestions or request that you would like me to add into the story, please feel free to do so in the comments! <3)

Different Point Of Views (A Jonatello Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora