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"You coming?" I asked Wardell as he trailed behind me inside my house.

He slightly shook his head, "Come here real quick." He held out his hand for me to grab, which I did unknowingly.

"What's up?" I asked him as he fixed his snapback with his other free hand.

"Let me take you out tonight," he mumbled.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about the project," I replied. "Okay, sure."

His face didn't change, "I'll meet you here around seven, dress nicely." He winked and then brought me closer to him and kissed my forehead.

"See you, Warlly."

"Stop with that ugly name," he chuckled and walked off.

I went inside the house and saw my mom waiting for me at the doorway.

"Hey," I said.

"I don't trust Stephen anymore that much."


"Because of what happened," she rose her eyebrow.

I grimaced, "I'm sorry, Mom, but we're going out tonight—it's for the project, nothing more."

"You're leading him on, Morgan."

"What do you mean?"

"I can tell he's head over heals for you by the way he looks at you. You say it's for the project but he might mean something else."

"Please, Mother, if he wanted any girl, I'm sure he'd be able to get them like this," I snapped my fingers and shook my head slowly. "Plus, I'm no competition to the other girls at our school."

"Morgan, don't say that. And how do you know he doesn't have eyes for just you?"

"Because, it's true," I said.

"Go get dressed, I'll be there in a minute to help you. I'll call Taylor over too."

"Mom," I groaned.

"I'm not going to let you go on a date in sweats or anything," she said, letting her Puerto Rican accent out.

"I just called her, she's coming with a couple of her dresses too."


"This one," Taylor beamed. She handed me her black dress that was simple but still showed off a few curves.

"You know I'm not curvy," I said.

"Quit denying it, you're the most curvy woman I know, and then you're also thick. Put it on, Morgan," she demanded as I groaned.

I got up and grabbed the dress. This was going to be the fourth one I tried on and we were in crunch time. She still wanted to put makeup on me although I didn't want any since I don't wear that stuff.

"Zip me up," I said. It was snug but not too snug where it looked like I was trying to show off. Taylor zipped it from the back and then made me face the mirror.

"Do you like it?"

I nodded my head, "Yeah-"

"Okay, let's do your makeup and hair how."

"We only have thirty minutes," I said.

"I'm not going to powder your face up or anything, it want take any more than ten minutes to finish." She said and made me face the mirror.

"You sure?"

"Yes, Morgan, you know I wouldn't make you look ugly for Loverboy."

I rolled my eyes at her comment, "He's not 'Loverboy.'"

morgan ➸ stephen curryWhere stories live. Discover now