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"When are you going to make her yours?" Dray asked me.

"Man, I don't know," I sighed.

Morgan and I are good at being friends and all but would we be good at dating?

"You love her right?"

"Of course, but at the same time I think of her as like my younger sister, you know?"

"Yeah, I get chu."

"I don't want to lose her." I sighed and put my controller next to me. "Like yesterday at the mall, I had hugged her from behind and it like, you know, felt so right. I've grown to like her, like I know she isn't one of those other girls. But I feel like she doesn't want me, yeah she likes hanging out with me and all but I don't think she'd want me to love her."

"I think she loves you," he smirked. "I know she trusts you, for sure."

I nodded my head slowly and leaned back against the couch. "I haven't been in a long relationship since three years ago."

"With who?"


"If she was to come back, would you still go out with her?"

"I don't know, we ended because she moved, but I guess you could say my love for her never ended. I never really did get over her."

"Destiny, really? Didn't y'all date because of a dare?" He said.

"Yeah, but I ended up actually falling for her." I sighed.

"That's some weird shit."

I shrugged and got up, "I'm going to go home, I'll talk to you later."


"Hey, is Morgan home?" I asked her mother as she let me walk in.

"Yeah, she should be upstairs in her room. I think she might've been taking a nap," her mother said.

"Thanks," I smiled and gave her a side hug.

"Be good, Stephen, I trust you."

I chuckled and walked up the stairs, I slightly knocked and then opened it. She was wrapped up in blankets with her music playing lowly. I walked over to her bed and sat down next to her.

"Mo," I mumbled and caressed her hair. She groaned and turned the other way. "Morgan, wake up."

"Go away," she groaned and hid under the blankets.

"C'mon, princess, wake up," I traced her sides and poked them.


"Wake up," I repeated and decided to rest my head against her chest.

"You're heavy, Wardell, that hurts," she said and cupped my head. I didn't realize that I was directly on top of her breast.

"I'm sorry," I replied. "You awake?"


I looked up at her and smiled, "You're not awake, your eyes are closed."

"Shut up and go to sleep," she yelled. I hovered over her and plopped myself down next to her on the other side.

"If you don't wake up in the next five seconds, we're going to have some problems," I warned and wrapped my arm around her waist.

"You're not going to do shit," she mumbled and moved her head closer to me.

"Five, four, three, two, one," I pushed her off her bed and she fell groaning.

"You're a freaking idiot," she smacked my head as I continued to laugh.

"I love you," I chuckled.

"I freaking hate you."

"Go get your life together so we could do something," I said.

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to watch movies in bed all day."

"Okay, then let's do that," I shrugged.

"Wait, what did you want to do?"

"I don't know, I didn't think you'd actually say yes."

"Let me wash my face and put some sweats on," she said and went to her closet.

"Them shorts ain't bad either you know," I smirked and stared at her little booty.

"Shut up and quit staring," she grabbed a pillow and shoved it in my face.

I laughed and pulled out my phone and texted Dray.

To: Dray 💉💰
and her body bro. 😻😩

He replied a couple seconds later:

From: Dray 💉💰
who's? Morgan?

To: Dray 💉💰
yes her.

From: Dray 💉💰
I've been trying to tell you.

To: Dray 💉💰
that's my girl. 😠

From: Dray 💉💰
last time I checked she was free

To: Dray 💉💰

I locked my phone and stared up at Morgan, she sat down on her bed and pulled the blanket over her.

"What movie do you want to watch?" She asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Doesn't matter."

I leaned on her shoulder and watched as she chose a random movie. I twisted her hand and grazed mine on top of hers. I slowly clasped my fingers together with hers and rubbed my thumb across her hand. She shifted positions and moved closer to me.

"I'm tired," she mumbled.

"Me too," I said and wrapped my arm around her, fingers still clasped. I lightly put a kiss on her forehead and reached her cheek with my other free hand. She looked up at me as I gazed down at her slight chapped lips.

I slowly leaned in and pulled her closer, finally feeling her lips on mine. Damn, they felt so good and tasted even better, never felt this before. Her lips were soft as I craved more. I released her hand and wrapped my arm around her waist. She automatically got up and straddled me. My hands grazed her thighs and low back.

"What are you two doing?"


part 2 next ? (;

morgan ➸ stephen curryWhere stories live. Discover now