Chapter 2

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Today is the 2nd month since Annabelle's death, I haven't gone to school since. All my buddies text me, asking me when I'll comeback, but I don't even know when; or if I even ever will. It just hurts to walk through those dim halls without her, it's painful to go to class without hearing her soft voice.

My phone than buzzed through my hard, depressing thoughts; picking it up I looked at who's texting me this time.

Tyler; I haven't seen him since the accident.

Hey buddy, where've you been, we're all really missing you here.

Dude, I know you're reading my texts. Come on buddy answer me.

JASON! ANSWER ME PLZ!!!!!! I know you're upset about Annie, but can u please just try to go to school, just once!!?? JASON! ANSWER ME PLZ!!!!!

Then, to my surprise, I finally decided to text him back:

Fine, if it will get you guys to all just leave me alone.

That was the first text I had answered since her death, and this was the first day I'd be going back to school.

As I walked along the cracked path, I couldn't help but notice the budding flowers along the sidewalk; daffodils, pansies, lilies... but it was then that I saw it. Daisies covered the ground, almost making a trail to the school. Daisies were Annie's favourite flowers.

I couldn't help it, I had to run home; far away from all this torture. I couldn't do it, this just proves that I will never be able to go to school again.


That night I thought about the daisies, wondering how a sweet, innocent flower could forever haunt me. Everything about her now haunts me. It's like I'm falling, falling but not stopping; never to land or plummet. And with every second a new dark cloud appears, each making the storm of my grief; and so far I've got thunder and lightning.

Each night I wish to get sleep, a nice peaceful slumber to escape the cold dreaded world; instead I just get nightmares. But tonight I will risk it, risk it to get just at least a minute of rest. I'm exhausted.... And I just can't focus anymore...

The sound of "here comes the bride" played on the many instruments in the church, and the white flowers decorated the room ever so sweetly. Down, on the end of the aisle came walking the most beautiful bride imaginable; Annabelle. She walked gracefully, in a snow white wedding dress that just sparkled. Everything about her sparkled, even the smile that formed her perfect dimples. She is here with me now, holding my hand, as we say our vows and I do's. I placed the sapphire ring on the index finger of her frail hand, and she did the same to me. Then the pastor told me that I may now kiss the bride. I placed my hand on the crease of her waist, and my other hand on her soft cheek. Slowly I close in, our lips pressed together ever so lightly, the smell of her hair was like rosebuds. But then the music stopped, and she backed away from me suddenly.

'What's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm not real", she confessed. Now I became more serious. "What do you mean you're not, real?"

"Exactly what I said, I'm just a figment of your imagination."

"No, no you're not! You're real Annabelle!" I was panicking, my voice trembled.

"I'm not real, Jason." Then she started to fade, from her head to her toes. She disappeared, and so did everything else.

"Annabelle!!!! PLEASE!!! COME BACK!!!!! ANNIE!!!!!!!!!!!"

My pillow was drenched in warm tears, my sobs grew louder, and I hugged myself closer. She wasn't there, she wasn't actually there... and she never was.

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