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4 years later.

The afternoon sun shone on the land before us, the light seeming to turn Lillian's hair from blonde to gold.

Just like her heart.

Our relationship had started quite broken at first, and the first steps weren't easy.

But we kept fighting for it, and by the will of God we made it through.

Even though I had graduated, I did have to go through a bit of summer school so I could to go to the college I wanted, which was where I'd go to become a nurse.

True, it may not be a doctor, but I'll be able to help people, and that's my goal.

I may not have been able to save Annie, but maybe I can save people the grief that I had put myself through.

During my first year of college I had proposed to Lily. I was so nervous that day. I had sweat through both my undershirt and my sweater.

Whatever though, it was worth it.

Thankfully she had said yes, and in no longer than a year we were married.

Our wedding was the best day of my life, and I can still remember the soft tune the piano had played, and how her eyes had looked so passionate as she walked down the aisle.

And deep down I know I will never forget.

We had took our marriage slow at first, trying to savour every moment together with that of serenity.

But, it wasn't long until a bump had emerged from her belly, and I don't think I had ever been filled with more joy in my life.

We were blessed with a beautiful baby girl, whose dark hair fell in tiny waves that framed her face, and her eyes were of a beautiful Hazel. Which I find so beautiful since it combines both my eye colour and Lillian's.

We named her Anne, and it would take a fool to not know why.

With my arm wrapped around Lily, holding my hand firm against the curve of her waist, my eyes rested upon the sight of the young innocence stumbling towards us; our little baby girl.

"Pretty!" She dropped a flower in her mother's hand, before placing one in mine.


I let out a laugh, speaking my words slowly, "yes Anne, flower."

I then focused my attention on the frail stem of nature she has bestowed upon me, eyeing the white petals curling up around the yellow center.

A Daisy. What else would it be?

I could feel a tear start to escape its way down my cheek, but the smile didn't leave my face.

Though her memory still brings a little fragment of hurt in my heart, the memories are just all too good to try and hide.

I smile now when I think of them, even if it's a somber one.

I will always love Annabelle, no matter how many times I say it or much time has passed.

But I've learned to go on with life, not moving on and forgetting about her, but following on along the path of life.

Sometimes there are days where it does hurt so much that I need a day off, but most of the time I get through it, not alone of course.

I don't think of her as gone now, but I think about where she is now.

I know where she is, and man, it's much better there than here.

But this is where I am right now, here beside my queen and my princess.

Whom I will always cherish and hold, for as many of the days God will give me.

"Da, can ou come pick fluers wif meh?"

Her voice is so gentle, and yet so strong.

"Of course, lead the way!"

I took her tiny hand and wrapped it in mine, walking along the cracked sidewalk where the daisy's grow.

And this time, I keep walking.

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