Chapter 4

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Once again, just like every other day, I sat on my porch. The wood was old, and the colour was starting to fade.

On the days that I and Annabelle would sit here, the birds would sing gentle melodies; they don't do that anymore.

The silence is almost unbearable.

But today, a different sound had rang from across the street, a sound I hadn't heard in a long time. It was the sound of screeching tires, and the heavy breathing of a huffing teen.


He rode across the street on his old bike, having to peddle hard because of its age. "Jason!" he hopped off of the rusted piece of machinery and left it at the corner of the sidewalk, sprinting towards me.

The sight of him hurt. It hurt cause the last time we were having a good time together Annabelle was there. I could barely look at him, holding back my tears I stood up and headed for the door.

"Jason!" He ran to the front, halting me in my tracks. But that wouldn't stop me. I walked down the screeching steps and headed down the old sidewalk.

He continued to follow me though, as he walked beside me he huffed, "Jason, I know it hurts, I know it's sad-"

"Is that how you're seriously taking it!? Sad!?" I interrupted, "Is that really the best you can come up with!? Did you not care about her at all!!?" I wanted out of there, out of here, out of everywhere. I wanted to be gone; to disappear from the world so I could just die crying.

"Of course I cared about her! I always did!" he then put his hand on my shoulder and in a lower tone he continued, "I always did. But there is a time for grieving, and a time to go on with life." I wanted to punch him, tell him that there is not a time for anything, but he continued on, "I don't mean to sound heartless, or rude in any way; but you can't continue on life like this. You can't just sit there in your grief, you need to get up, get dressed, and go to school."

"But I did try-"

"NO Jason, you need to actually go. I don't care if I need to stuff you in the basket of my bike, you are going tomorrow whether you want to or not." He then gave me a hug, "I know its hard bud, but we can get through this."

And with one final look, he left. He left down the old road.

The next morning I woke up, without a single memory of any dream. I decided that today I would do it, go to school, at least try. Again.

I got dressed, ate a bowl of cereal, and brushed my teeth. Not stopping, not stopping so I wouldn't start thinking. 'Cause if I started thinking, I surely would come up with an excuse not to go.

As soon as I was done everything I exited out the door, walking on my way to the school I once called a place of refuge.

I kept walking, faster and faster, trying out anything that would distract me; for my mind usually got the best of me.

I progressed onto the solid, cracked pavement of the sidewalk, trudging through the school doors. I could feel the stares of people creeping up my spine, and everyone's conversations grew quiet. But I didn't want them to change my mind, so I kept my eye's peeled to the ground as I entered into my classroom and took my seat. Across from me, there Tyler sat. He gave me a small smile and a quick nod, thankfully though he turned around and continued to listen to the assignment.

I had to admit, I did miss him, and I did miss the familiarity of the classroom. But as I looked around I saw the empty desk in the corner; Annie's desk. I started to tremble, and my hands started to sweat, that was Annabelle's seat.

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