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I just want to say a straight out thank you to everyone who was patient and kept reading this book, even though sometimes it had took months for a new chapter to come out.

Thank you.

I had started this book about 2 years ago, and though it took a long time, and there's probably a lot of mistakes in the beginning, I am glad to say now that this book is complete.

One thing that I'd like to say however, is to really think about what this book means.

Yes, it did start out with a damaged and broken soul, who did not think his heart could be mended. But he didn't give up. Though he may have not done much, he still got up in the morning, even though it was torture.

Then, as the book progressed, he had found a way to get along in life, he learned to forgive himself for something that was out of his hands.

Grief is hard, and I know that it can get to a point where you just can't find the will to keep going.

But trust me,

If you can hang on, just like Jason did, you can get through it.

In the book I had wanted to express the reality of pain, I tried to show how it can take over and consume you,

but I also wanted to show how to get through it.

This book was a journey, and sadly it's a walk that people do actually take.

But there's a light at the end, so keep going.

I'd also like to thank my good friend for rereading this over with me, even though it took a good hour or two.

Lastly, to conclude, I'd like thank God for giving me the inspiration and the continual desire to actually complete this book.

Thank you so much.

-Autumn Rose

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