Chapter 8

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Will's lips were warm against my mouth like the tea Thomas makes for me. He abruptly pulls away from me, eyes wild.
"That was.. educational." He says, placing a hand on his lips, watching me.
For once my mouth won't coordinate words, leaving me standing there, mute.
He smiles, carding his hands through his hair. Without another word, he turns and walks away from me.
What was that?
"You're so selfish." Lucy whispers from behind me, snapping me out of my reverie.
"Selfish?" I ask, incredulous. "If my memory serves me, you were flirting with Thomas today and then kissed Will." I point out.
"Well excuse me for keeping my options open, especially when you're around." She spits out, pacing in front of me.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, voice rising.
"Its always you, Mia." She mutters. "Father always loved you more, step mother was jealous of your beauty, and now here you are! Stumbling about, capturing everyone's hearts along the way."
"Father loved us both." I tell her in a soothing voice. "Thomas and Will aren't in love with me, Lucy." I say it with a chuckle because the idea is so ludicrous.
"Will might be only on his way, but you have the intelligence of wallpaper if you don't see the way Thomas was looking at you this afternoon." She breathes it out, calming down with every word. This is about as intense as our fights get. "Let's not forget Jay, the boy you charmed the pants off of in seconds and followed you around like a puppy the entire evening." She adds darkly.
"Lucy, stop. Jay is a good friend. Thomas- " I cut off, because I don't know what to say about Thomas.
She's watching me now, head tilted. "You're in love with him." She whispers, eyes wide.
"Come on! That's ridiculous, I barely know him."
"And what about Will?" She asks now with a new fire. "Did you even feel anything while kissing him?"
"I don't understand what you mean, Lucy."
"Butterflies. A warm feeling. Anything." She says, placing a hand on her head in annoyance.
"It was a kiss! I don't know! It was nice and too short to get butterflies."
She grabs my hand now, tugging me toward our bedrooms.
"Come on." She says with a sigh. "We've got a small party to get ready for."
We both stop at my door, hers is only a few down. Lucy sighs, her face getting a little pinched.
"I'm sorry, Mia." She says. "It's not really your fault if people fall for you."
"I think you're bonkers." I tell her, pulling her into a hug. "It's okay."
Closing the door behind me, I sit at the small vanity in my room and twist my hair into a bun.
I try my hardest to not think of our fight as I freshen up but I can't help it. Does Thomas really love me? He couldn't possibly, I'm just Mia. The clumsy, crying girl he made dinner for.
No. He's just being nice, listening to my problems and making me feel like I belong.
And me in love with Thomas?
It's never even crossed my mind.
But there he was when Will kissed me, why?
There's a brief staccato at my door and I sigh, going to open it.
Thomas stands out there, his usual lazy smile spreads across his face.
"I thought I'd come to see where you live, since you've been to mine."
"How'd you know where I was?" I ask in disbelief.
He rolls his eyes, strolling past me. "I've got some friends who work here."
His eyes are scanning the room, and I feel exposed.
"Thomas." I say, he turns to me, I have no idea what to say.
"Maybe right now's not a good time." I say, closing the door behind me anyway.
"What's wrong?" He asks now, tilting his head to look at me better.
I don't meet his gaze, staring at his shoes. "Nothing."
He steps closer to me now, placing one hand under my chin.
"Don't lie to me, please." He whispers, raising my head to meet his gaze.
"Lucy and I had a fight." I sigh.
He runs his hand through my hair, "Do you want to talk about it?"
I do. But, I don't know if I don't want to tell him about the kiss, and I don't want to tell him about how Lucy thinks he's in love with me.
"Lucy got upset about something and she blew up at me." I say vaguely, leaning into his hand.
His eyes are so warm, they catch fire to my skin as he gazes at me.
"That's not everything. Why was she upset?" He asks now, his voice is soothing and sweet.
A knot forms in my stomach.
"I can't, Thomas." I tell him, avoiding his gaze, white hot tears stream against my cheeks in guilt. Even worse, guilt over something I shouldn't feel guilty about.
"It has something to do with the Prince, doesn't it?" He asks, but voice sounds more strained now.
He places his lips on my forehead, whispering against my skin.
"Please, Mia." He says now, wrapping his arms to hold me as I cry.
"He kissed me." I mumble against his skin.
"Mia." He gasps, his eyes burn with hurt.
I watch him as it registers and his knees buckle in a sort of defeat.
"Thomas?" I cry, alarmed. "Thomas, what wrong?"
His arms are still wrapped around me, head buried against my stomach.
He looks up, dark eyes glistening.
"Do you love him?" He asks me, his voice is small, powerless.
"No!" I am surprised by his question, and apparent hurt.
I tug him toward my bed and we both lay there staring at each other, me in guilt, him in agony.
"Thomas, why are you so upset?"
He lifts himself up now, rolling over so he is on top of me, peering down.
His knee is between my legs, arms hoisting himself up by my elbows.
Thomas shifts his weight, lifting up one hand.
"I'll tell you what's wrong." His voice is hollow.
His hand rests lightly on my cheek, leaving that slow burn again.
"He has softly caressed your cheek." He leans down, nuzzling in my neck. "He's been surrounded by your scent."
Once again he lifts his head, making it parallel with my own.
His scent is dizzying.
"He's tasted your mouth." He leans forward, our noses touch and I feel myself anticipating his kiss.
With a sigh, he rolls away from me. "I'm sorry, that was inappropriate." He says, scooting as far way from me as possible.
I sit up in embarrassment, how easily I submitted to him.
"Don't say that." I say in a desperate breath.
"What do you want me to say, Mia?" He asks.
I know this question has a double meaning but I don't know what to say.
"Don't apologize for making me feel-" I pause, what did he make me feel? Alive. Awake. Aware.
Everywhere he touched surges with energy.
Thomas, scoots forward again, eyes hungry for an answer I'm afraid to fully discover.
"Feel what?" He asks, voice soft again, almost a growl that sends me into another frenzy for his touch.
And then a voice sounds in the back of my head.
How can anyone ever fall in love with an orphaned ingrate like you? Your own mother took one look at you and ran way!
I scoot back, tumbling off the bed in a heap.
"Mia!" Thomas is alarmed, and he kneels to help me up.
"Sorry.." I groan, grabbing his hand. "I thought I saw a spider."
Thomas stares at me for a few seconds dumbfounded.
And then a slow smile creeps up onto his full lips, chuckling.
He pulls me in again, kissing my forehead.
"I worry about you sometimes." His tone is light again, casual.
A burn in the pit of my stomach starts again.
"Thomas, I-"
The door flies open and Clare skips in, humming a tune. She stops awkwardly at the sight of us.
"Oh jeez." She giggles. "I didn't know you had a visitor."
"It's fine, Clare." I awkwardly untangle myself from Thomas.
"Hey isn't that the boy you were hanging out with at the festival?" She asks, tilting her head to examine him.
"I didn't go to that." Thomas responds quietly.
"This is Thomas, he's a really good friend." I tell her.
"Oh!" She laughs, hard to believe this is the girl who nearly threw herself off a building. "Will sent me to find you for the party, it's starting."
"You're going to that?" I ask.
She shakes her head. "No I just offered to get you because I haven't seen you since the festival."
I nod, and we both follow her out of my room.
Lucy is leaving her own and glances evenly between me and Thomas.
Clare doesn't notice the tension as she babbles about how she takes classes during the day and how she wishes she could go to a party with cute boys.
"You're not old enough for boys." I say, chuckling.
She huffs. "You sound like my Papa."
Thomas laughs at this, intertwining our fingers and leaning in. "Is that the girl?" He asks in a low voice.
I nod, leaving our hands the way they are.
"So, Thomas." Lucy starts, staring at our hands. "You decided to show after all."
I untangle our fingers, running that hand through my hair nervously.
"I guess I changed my mind."
Lucy looks at me now, knowingly.
"I guess everyone's entitled to a change of heart."

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