Chapter 19

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The courtyard is deserted and quiet except for the two figures who are in heated battle. I watch from my vantage point, holding my breath. The full moon illuminates them enough that I can make out facial expressions. Thomas's sword clashed harshly against Papa Will's. They both grunt with effort and Papa Will sidesteps, Thomas stumbles forward and Papa Will trips him. Thomas spins, landing on his back, sword in a defensive hold. Papa Will smiles and offers his hand to Thomas. I watch from behind a pillar. Papa Will sighs and whispers something to Thomas, he nods once and heads in the other direction from me. Papa Will's figure is shadowed in the moon light and he turns his face in my direction, mouth in a straight line.
"Come now, Mia. No need to hide." He says, his voice as kind as ever.
I slowly step out from my hiding spot, holding my elbows.
"I'm sorry Papa Will, I didn't mean to spy."
He walks toward me and hands me the sword Thomas left behind. "No need to apologize, but I might as well explain." He holds up a guard stance and I mimic him. With a quick step forward he slashes at me and I react too slow, the sword never touches me though, he steps back taking his guard again. "Offense is important, try the move I just did to you."
I try the attack and his blade stops mine, his feet shift slightly and forces me back a few steps. "Never let your opponent have the upper hand. Move with purpose." He tells me and repositions himself so I can try that.
As I just barely complete the move with success he takes a deep breath.
"My son is being stubborn and ungraceful in his attempt to keep you." He says, whirling toward me again. I shift and block, shoving him back. This time with my confidence and success. He nods appreciatively. He swings his sword differently and I step back, missing the tip of his sword, the adrenaline I feel is electric and I advance forward, Papa Will sidesteps and hits the butt of my sword with his, knocking it out of my hand. "Too obvious of an advance, you left too much open." He tells me, handing me the sword again. "I do not agree with his acceptance of this duel. Thomas is not ready. His kingdom doesn't have a large militia and even so, whatever they teach him will not help him defeat my son. His blade is an extension of himself, he's held it since he was ten."
I watch him talk and try the advance again, this time faking left first. Papa Will jumps back, taking his original stance again. As he tries to get his footing I swing at him again and push forward. "You're telling me that you're helping Thomas because otherwise he doesn't have a shot to win?"
He shifts his feet and trips me as I push forward, it's almost an exact reverse to what he did to Thomas, I hastily gain my footing and twist my body, planting a foot in place. I knock Papa Will's sword and it clatters to the ground. His eyebrows shoot up, and he nods. "Unfortunately so." He turns his back to me, looking up at the sky. "Would you like to learn more?" I think about it, lowering my sword. "Yes."
He picks up his own and heads toward the castle.
"Tomorrow night. Meet us here." He tells me, disappearing into the castle.
I've only got one question but he's already gone. Where the hell do I put this sword?
I stuff it in a bush and head up the steps again, a figure in the shadows grabs me, covering my mouth. I panic, backing up and hitting the hallway wall. "Shush, it's me, it's me!" Will's blonde hair is messy and his grin is sleepy. My heart still rams against my rib cage as I push his hand off my mouth.
"Will? What are you doing?" I ask, afraid maybe he saw our late night duel.
He cards a hand through his hair and steps back to give me space. "I couldn't sleep so I went to visit you, but you weren't there."
"I couldn't sleep either." I tell him, he doesn't comment on my disheveled, sweaty appearance. Instead he pulls me down the halls and we stop at an unmarked door.
"Close your eyes." He tells me, I hesitate and he quirks an eyebrow.
"Close em darlin." He drawls and I sigh, listening this time. He lightly grabs my hand and pulls me through the door. Under my lids I see pulsating lights and it smells like old paper.
He stops me a few steps in and I hear him fidget he feet. "Okay." He whispers. "Open them."
I slit my eyes to adjust and gasp as I take in my surroundings. The ceiling is reflective crystal, bouncing prisms across the entire room, it seems to constantly evolve like water. Every wall is covered with books and the floor has perfectly placed tables and comfortable white chairs.
"I was wondering around and this place, it reminded me of you."  He tells me, spinning. "It only looks like this at night, when everyone is sleeping." He continues. "The moon reflects just right off of the crystal like it was made for this soul purpose."
He turns to look at me shyly over his shoulder, his full lips turn down in a sad, withdrawn expression. "You're my moon, Mia." He looks up at the ceiling. "You make me want to take your breath away."
An overwhelming anger washes over me and I falter backward. "If I'm your moon then why are you trying to destroy my world?"

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