Chapter 13

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The entire red orb absorbs into Lucy's chest and she stands there in shock, her arms still thrown open in front of Will and myself. She turns her head to look at me, eyes wide with horror and she coughs, blood dripping down her chin horrifically.
Everything is in slow motion and I feel myself pushing past Will and wrapping my arms around her desperately. Up close her skin is smouldering from the inside, making my stomach churn. We stand there holding each other.
She laughs, blood splattering.
"So much for my happy ending." She mumbles. Her skin is hot against mine, sobs rack through my body.
"You're going to be alright." I tell her stubbornly. Her weight slumps against me as she loses the strength to stand. Will wraps his arms around us both, holding us upright, he grunts taking on much her weight and some of my own. Thomas joins in from the other side, his scent blocks out the burning flesh smell and I laugh sadly. "I love you guys."
"Mia, listen." Lucy says, frantically. "You have to think for yourself from now on." Her voice is grating and hollow.
Her eyes have a sickening red ring around her cerulean blue. "I'm so sorry that I took Thomas away from you." She sobs, spasming in pain. Thomas looks confused but doesn't say anything.
"Will doesn't love me, Mia. We were arranged for marriage. I want you to marry him instead." She tells me, sounding far away. "He'll love you and keep you happy." She says, nodding. "I love you." She whispers. I see her being dragged into unconsciousness, which spells out death in my panicky mind.
"Harriet?" I sob, swiveling my head to find her. Her expression says it all. "I can't fix her, ma chere."
"I was a burden for you, Mia. I'm so sorry." Her voice is merely a breath, I take her head in my hand, shaking her awake.
"You're not a burden. You're my sister." I tell her stubbornly. "Please stay with me, Lucy." I beg.
"I love you." She says again, smiling at me with everything she has and a strong rush of memories hits me. But I keep myself in the present, refusing to miss this smile.
"I love you too."
Lucy's pushes us off of her, still smiling. I watch her skin as it shifts from pale to stone grey, spreading like wildfire, her curls solidify first, she keeps smiling, but her hands move into her pocket and she fishes out my locket, holding it out for me to grab. Lucy's  hand turns to stone she holds it there and as it encloses around her face she keeps on smiling.
"Forgive me." She whispers, a small smile staying on her face.
I grasp at her face and still feel her warmth underneath the stone. "I already did." I whisper, hoping she can hear me.
My step mother doesn't make a sound as she flees from the castle, spinning into black smoke.
Everything feels fuzzy, I lean heavily on Lucy now.
"Mia?" Will calls, his voice echoes on my head. "Are you alright?"
I turn to look at them all, their faces are all open with concern.
"I'm fine." I reply weakly, stepping toward them all.
Thomas jolts forward, grabbing me by the elbow, concern mixes on his quizzical face.
Before I can answer his questions, I collapse into him, breathing in his scent.

When I wake up, I'm in bed. My room hasn't changed at all, with the curtains pulled back it's bright and open. In a seat next to me, Thomas lurches forward.
"You're awake." He observed happily.
"You remember me?" I ask, my voice sounds hoarse and gravelly.
His face is more careful now.
"I'm sorry." He says, studying me with his kind brown eyes.
"It's fine. I guess I just hoped." I whimper. "Lucy?"
"They moved her to the garden." He tells me, placing a hand on mine.
"Okay." I say, mind reeling. "Talk to me about something else please."
"I've got a question." He starts, I watch him awkwardly work out his phrasing. His hands wave around and he snaps his fingers pointing at me. "What exactly happened between us?"
My stomach tightens. "I guess there's not much to tell. You almost kissed me. We almost fell in love." I say vaguely. He leans forward, grimacing.
"I don't remember you." He says with a pause, drawing closer. "But being around you makes my skin feel alive and all I can think about is kissing you." He pauses thinking it over. "I sound so awful, I'm so sorry about your sister."
I shake my head. "I didn't want to think about her right now. I don't want to deal with it." I tell him.
I pat the bed for him to sit on, smiling encouragingly.
"How many times did we almost kiss?" He asks me, voice pitching up nervously.
"If I remember correctly, four."
"Four? Yike!" He grimaces again. "What was wrong with me?"
I shake my head. "Nothing. For some reason you had it in your head that I could never love you."
"And did you?" He asks, almost desperately.
"I didn't get much time to explore it." In the same breath I ask breathlessly. "Can I kiss you? I know it's asking alot but I just wanted to at least once."
Thomas seems surprised but he nods and I lean forward pulling myself to him desperately. He wraps his arms around me, his eyes are so warm they're burning holes through me and finally I tip my head and feel his lips on mine.
He's slow and sweet at first, but then he jolts forward holding me closer to him, more desperate. His mouth is hot against mine, I sigh into his mouth, sliding my tongue across his lip. Thomas groans and pulls back, eyes wild. He winces, gasping in pain, holding his head.
"Thomas? What's wrong?" 
Will walks in, rushing to my bedside. "Mia you're awake." He exclaims.
I greet him, throwing my arms around his neck. "You look brand new." I compliment, glancing over at Thomas. He watches us, hands still on his head.
Will places a hand on my face.
"I was going to wait, with Lucy's death and Thomas' memory but seeing you healthy. I just can't wait anymore."
"I rem-" Thomas starts, glancing wildly between me and Will. But he stops himself.
Will pulls out a ring the same moment I ask Thomas if he remembers. I gasp at the ring and wait desperately for Thomas to answer. His eyes flash an emotion so quick I can't read it and then he shakes his head.
I look back at Will, his blue eyes are clear and waiting. "Will you marry me, Mia?" He asks, voice shaking.
I take another moment to glance at Thomas. His face is impassive and he doesn't make eye contact with me.
"Yes." I say hollowly, watching Thomas. His eyes look almost wet and he smiles, ducking out of the room.
Will laughs with joy but turns to Thomas. "Hey, I've got to talk to you."
Thomas turns and I must have been seeing things because he looks like his happy self.
"With all do respect Prince Will, I've got alot of work to do."
Will shakes his head slightly.
"No you don't."

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