Chapter 20

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Ostevell has held duels before, its their way of settling debts and arguments. It's been years since anyone has had one and never have two princes fought each other, Idruthen carriages crowd the town square, warm bodies with excited eyes and hungry expressions. It makes me sick and I turn from my window. Papa Will watches me from his seat. Thomas and I have been training under his wing for as many weeks as we could push the duel back. I have confidence in Thomas' skill but the variable is that I have no idea of Will's fighting ability.
We watch as guards guide both princes to the ring and I'm running to the hall, toward the makeshift ring outside. Papa Will is following me, with as much urgency.
"Fairy Harriet, I need you." I whisper, there's no answer. I didn't expect one, she's been silent as long as I've been here. I've been so bitter about her silence that I haven't touched the magic mirror, I feel it now, jingling in my bustier. I retrieve it, flipping it over in my hand.
King Iliad and Queen Una sit in the stands, they reserve two seats and motion for me and Papa Will to take them. My breath is ragged as my shoes slow and crunch against the dust and cobblestone. Will and Thomas face each other, faces closed and ready. Papa Will takes a seat next to King Illiad and they clasp hands, there's understanding and worry in their expressions. I lean into them, staring at all I've caused. Thomas raises his chin to the crowd.
"Today is a sad day, for both kingdoms we have been at peace and connected. Now the crown princes fight for one girls hand, this is matters of the heart, not the kingdom. I know that it will stay that way."
The crowd lifts velvet roses, soft and fragrant. Every child, elder and in between raise a rose. My head swivels around the makeshift stadium and I hear Una and Illiad choke back tears, then it dawns on me.
"Blessings of roses " I whisper as the first click of metal against metal sounds.
Thomas is at a clear disadvantage from the beginning, he swings wide and Will easily maneuvers around his slashes, Thomas just barely dodges Will's answering slashes. Will's face seem impatient and then it dawns on him, in one motion he disarms Thomas and strikes him with his pommel. Thomas cries out and lands on his knees. I cry out, standing. Will turns toward us but isn't looking at me. He locks eyes with his father, a certain betrayal very apparent in his features. "You taught him!" He screams, tossing his own sword. As the blade digs into the dirt, the sky explodes in purples. The crowd screams and Will spins, pulling Thomas up and away from the ring. The purple is a dripping liquid, oozing down and with a flash of green it splits open like a door. Two
figure tumble out, the boy in purple from the carriage ride is carrying an unconscious Fairy Harriet. He stumbles forward, gently laying her down, he spins back toward the hole in the sky and then at me. A third figure stumbles out, fireball flying from her shadowed finger tips. The boy disappears, missing the fireball and grabbing Wills sword a few feet away. The shadowy figures pays no attention to anyone but the purple coated boy, but I step closer, studying it's features. A fire explodes in my stomach as I recognize the figure and I advance forward.
With a slash of my blade I knock off a piece of the shadow, it shatters like glass, crumbling off her body and revealing her acid green eyes which focus on me. Her cold lips curl around my name as she shoves and solidified orb at me. I don't move in time and panic, closing my eyes. This is it, stupid. Stupid. Stupid. A warm hand grabs mine and I feel the warp of air around me. "Well that was close wasn't it?" His voice is warm like honey and I peek through my lashes. "Open your eyes, we don't have much time. She's looking for us. " I do as I'm told and realize I'm standing on the roof of the castle. We've got a clear shot of the arena and my stepmother spins to find us, the boy shoves us both behind a pillar.
"West." He says, offering his hand, it takes me a minute to realize he's introducing himself.
"Mia." I answer. "We left Fairy Harriet and the princes down there."
"She's not looking for them, she cares about you and me." He answers, peaking out from the pillar. "We need a plan."
"Its not like we know what her weakness is!" I know I sounds harsh, but my impatience takes over.
He shakes his head. "She's not exactly human but she's got a heart, at least in a literal sense."
"How do we get that close?" I ask.
He gives me the biggest crooked smile and tilts his head. "I've got a knack of being able to sneak up on people."
"So am I." The voice came from behind me and I slash as I whirl, clipping my step mother's arm. Once again, West grabs me and the air sucks out around us. My ears pop and we land a few feet away. He looks pained. "Damnit. Out of juice. "
"Out of juice?" I ask surprised, as a acidic shoot toward us. With how narrow the roof is I run out of options for dodges and swipe the orb with my blade. An explosion of golden light emits from my sword and her giggle sounds in my ears.
"Fight for you Mia, and fight for me. " Lucy whispers in my ear like a gust of wind and I charge at my step mother, thrusting my sword.
She backs up, dodging my attacks, but I've still got the advantage. The door to the roof swings open behind her and she spins to see Papa Will, Will and Thomas. They're all holding swords and stand close to each other, with a look in my direction we corner her. She panics and throws a purple wall between her and us,the tip of my blade diminishes the shield and I thrust forward, her eyes lose the green tint as my blade drives into her stomach. In a panic she snaps off her necklace and throws it to the ground and vanishing before our eyes. With the sword no longer slicing her flesh, I let go and it clatters on the roof. Will nudges Thomas forward and I grab him pulling myself toward his scent.
"Alrighty." West says, rocking on his heels, I'm gonna go, I'll take Fairy Harriet with me."
"Wait!" I gasp, letting go of Thomas. "What happened?"
"Your stepmother broke the barrier between the seam, slaughtering thousands of fairies and she fought Fairy Harriet. By fight I mean, caught her while she was sleeping." His tone is so sad and raw. "I was raised by her, I couldn't just let her die, so I tried to get her away from danger as soon as possible. I guess the breach she created wasn't something she could do more than once so she extended my path and followed me here. She was after the Other World."
With that he's gone and we make our way back through the castle.
Walking hand in hand with Thomas, Will grabs me by the arm. "A word." He says, glancing at Thomas and Papa Will.
They both walk ahead, toward the banquet hall and Will spins me toward him into a bear hug. "I leave in the morning." He tells me, pulling back. "I better be invited to the wedding." He smiles sadly, looking at me through familiar blue eyes.
I am four years old, the blonde boy I occupy my castle time with is five and he impatiently waits for me to put my hand in his, we stand in the garden and I hear the sounds of the woman in the cottage and the little boy who lives there is giggling. Willy's blue eyes stare at me and I grab his hand, smiling. "I wanna be your husband this time." He tells me as we bounce up the path of the cottage. "Garden boy is always the Daddy." I laugh and lean into him poking his cheek. "What are you jealous princey?" He shakes his head vehemently and I giggle, running up to the door. "Thomas!" I yell. "William wants to marry me!"

This is the end of the book! I'm writing a second one but this series is independent, each archetype I write will be connected but you don't have to read them in order. Keep in tune for book two! I love you guys for reading through my book, I'm so excited about it. :)

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