Chapter 15

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I woke up in a cold sweat, gasping out. "Lucy."
My room is disheveled from pushing my bed next to a small cot for Will, who is missing.
I jump out of bed, desperate for a familiar face. Thomas insisted on leaving in the morning instead of yesterday so maybe...
I make it to the castle entrance before I decide to turn back, but voices stop me.
"I need to see her." Someone whispers in the darkness, timber.
"I can't allow that, Thomas." Another voice whispers, more forcefully.
"Look. I need to tell her before I leave, she'll never see me again." Thomas bargains.
I creep closer trying to be quiet.
Will's large frame holds Thomas by the throat up against the castle wall. His face is taut and angry, eyebrows pulled down.
"She's been through enough!" Will says more loudly, he lets Thomas fall to the floor and everything in me wants to run to him, but I stay where I am, afraid of what Will might do.
"She's happy now, why can't you let her be?" His voice is accusing.
Thomas looks hurt, but he shoves Will away from him and takes a few steps toward my place in the dark, toward my room.
"What would you have done if I never lost my memory?" He asks Will, acid drips into his words, a chill runs up my spine.
"She was here, in this castle for me. She came here hoping to fall in love with someone of status, you may now have my title but you won't ever have her." Will replies, bounding toward the hallway, I step out of his way, concealing myself in the darkness of the hallway, he bounds past me and Thomas is left alone in the dark castle entryway. He drops to his knees, breathing slowly.
I finally go to him, stepping out of the darkness. "Thomas." I whisper, kneeling beside him.
His brown eyes, nearly dark in the lack of light widen.
"Mia, how long have you been there?" He asks, voice wavering.
"Long enough to see him hurt you." I say, hands instinctively trailing his skin for bruises. He shivers, grabbing my hand and pulling me toward him.
His lips are on mine again, heat spreads through me like an explosion. When we get back to his cottage his hands are firm on my neck, pulling me into another kiss.
Past the kitchen and living room he carries me to his bed. My breath is ragged and I force him to look at me. "Thomas. Please don't do this just to get at Will." I whisper, tears threatening to spill over.
Thomas bites his lip, swallowing. "Mia, I.." he stops, shaking his head. "Will has no place here. This is just us."
His lips find mine and he climbs on top of me. My hands are shaking as I unclasp his first button. He leans back, watching me with warm eyes.
"We don't have to, if you're afraid." I don't make eye contact with him, watching my hands shake. "I'm not afraid, Thomas, not with you. I've just never.." I trail off and look at him.
He nods, tugging off his shirt. "Neither have I." His voice is raw and it sends my body into overdrive. I slide my hands across the planes of his chest now, pulling back on top.
Everything is warm and his bare skin on mine feels like silk. He hands are rough and light against my skin. His groans echo my own, and then I remember.
His shuddering becomes more frequent and he pulls me close, grasping me tight. With a sigh, he's kissing me again. He pulls back to look at me, lips swollen from our kissing, eyes warm.
"Oh, Mia."
"Thomas," I start, trying to ignore how amazing I feel.
"What did you need to tell me?"
He rests a hand on my face, thinking, with a sigh he rolls over, leaving me empty.
"In the front of the cottage, I've buried something for you." He tells me, pulling me close, embracing me. "It's for you, it was always for you." He whispers into my skin.
When I wake up, he's sitting on the side of the bed, fully dressed.
"The guard are here for me, to take me to my- my parents." he falters, eyes softening as he looks back at me. "Wait here, and stay in the cottage for a while, last night was probably very illegal."
I think back on out night, face growing red, he's right. I'm a princes fiance.
"I love you." I tell him, trying not to make eye contact.
"Remember, I buried something for you." He tells me, leaning down to kiss my cheek.
I take my time around his cottage, everything but his clothes remains intact. The slightly risen dirt makes it easy to find it but before I can start to dig it up, Will calls out my name, relieved.
"There you are." He smiles, bringing me into a hug. "If you've been waiting for Thomas, he left an hour ago."
"I know." I respond, trying not to glance at the little dirt mound. "I tried to visit him last night but, he wasn't here, so I slept in his spare room." I tell him, trying not to look into his eyes.
"I see." He says simply. "I have a meeting for a disturbance in the south side of our kingdom, something with a disappearing man." He says, shaking his head slightly, maybe we could grab breakfast before I go?" He asks, blue eyes hopeful.
"I was actually going to visit Lucy for awhile." I say, I'm lying but I hope Lucy won't mind.
He nods, pulling me into his arms, he kisses me. I try to enjoy it, but after seeing him that way last night, I'm afraid of him.
He pulls away and leaves again, toward the castle with a mission.
Breathing heavily my hands sink into the soft dirt, closing around a very smooth box. With a pull I hold it, brush off the dirt. The box is blue, and silk, like water.
There are jewels lining it, curving around the edges. It's the size of both my hands, and heavy. There's a small gold latch in the front and I gently push it, hearing a click, the box opens.
Inside is a delicate ring on top of a letter addressed to me. My hands fumble to retrieve it, the ring slides off, landing on the velvet bottom of the box.
Dear Mia,

If you're reading this, I couldn't bring myself to tell you out loud. You're the love of my life Mia, and I know it was cruel of me not to tell you but, after our first kiss, I remembered everything. All the memories hit me like a train and I remember how I felt about you. But then Will proposed and I just wanted what was best for you. But oh, when you said yes, I've never felt so much pain. I now know I'm some sort of estranged Prince and I just couldn't put you through that but I want you to know that before the murder of the queen and your arrest I was going to propose. I'm so sorry. I guess I'll see you at the wedding, since I am, after all, invited.

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