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When they reached the door they all came to a stop. Sonia reached out and turned the door handle, and slowly pushed it open.
They all stood in the doorway, unsure of what to do. Several people with medical equipment pushed there way through. Once they had finished checking all of the tanks they made their way over to hajime. " There stable and in good health. They should wake in about three minutes." One of them said. Fuyuhiko hardly listened to the medical crew, but as soon as they where gone he ran to Peko. When he reached her tank he fell to his knees, and peered inside. Peko's hair was stuck to her arms and neck. Her glasses cloudy, her skin pale, and covered in clear slime. Fuyuhiko ran his fingers down the side of peko's face. He pulled his hand away and peko's tank began to beep. Peko's eyes slowly fluttered open, showing her bloodshot eyes. She sat up and looked around quickly. She froze when she saw Fuyuhiko. " Y-young...Mas-ster..." She said her voice quiet and broken. Tears rolled down her cheeks. "Peko..." He breathed as he threw his arms around her. He buried his face in her damp hair. Tears fell from his eyes " Peko..." He whispered again. Peko pulled away, and placed her hand on his face. " You've grown. I hardly recognized you, young master." She said. He placed his hand over hers " Cut it out with all that master shit. Just call me Fuyuhiko." He replied. She nodded and rested her head on his shoulder. Fuyuhiko wrapped his arms around her once more. He released her and smiled at her. " Damn, did I miss you." He said. Peko smiled at him sadly " I'm sorry young...I mean Fuyuhiko. I put you through so much pain. I am a miserable excuse for a tool..." She said looking down. " God dammit Peko. Your not a tool to me, four years of missing you doesn't change that. Your much, much more to me then that." He said tilting her head up. Peko once more began to cry, Fuyuhiko did his best to clam her. " You know I really did miss you. Everyone back at home is missing you too." He said tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. Peko blushed and turned away. From somewhere in the room Hiyoko shouted " God! Will you two just kiss already?" Fuyuhiko's face grew red and Peko laughed. He smiled back at her and placed a kiss on her head. The room was filled with clapping and cheers in replacement of the crying and sobbing. Fuyuhiko helped Peko to her feet and step out of her tank. He pulled her into his arms once more. Finally after all these years he was holding her in his arms again.
Fuyuhiko sat on the edge of his bed, with Peko beside him. He had so much to tell her but he didn't know where to begin. He laid down an the bed and looked over at Peko " You know you look different from what I remember. I mean Jesus Fucking Christ look at all that hair. " he said gesturing toward her. " You have changed as well. You are much taller then last I saw you. Maybe even taller then me." She replied. Fuyuhiko smiled at her " It's about damn time! I thought the day I would be taller then you would never come." He cheered. Peko smiled " I take it things are going well for you." She said looking at him. " Yeah I'm head of the estate and clan now..." He replied looking up at the ceiling. " But once we get home everything is going to be great again." He said sitting up. Peko looked down at the floor " I do not think I can return home... Not after everything that had happened." She whispered. Fuyuhiko tilted her head toward him " Yes you can. But if your planning on going somewhere else I'm going with you. Because it doesn't matter where we go,cus you are my home Peko." He said a little flushed. A tear slid down her cheek, he quickly wiped it away. He pulled her close to him, he hesitated for a moment before he pressed his lips to hers. She blushed but didn't reject his kiss. Fuyuhiko pulled away, and pulled her into his chest. " You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that." He said. He placed another kiss on her head. " Welcome home Peko..." He whispered in her ear. She smiled up at him. Fuyuhiko had forgotten the last time he had felt like this. For once in a very long time he felt at home.

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