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Fuyuhiko played with a small object in his hand. As he did so his attendant ran in and out of the room. He was meeting with another powerful gang leader that had come to power after the tragedy. He cursed under his breath, the last thing he wanted was to deal with some douche who thought he was better. His thoughts made there way back to Peko. He was worried about her, he lived in constant fear that one day she would take her own life because of him. He stopped playing with the object in his hands and stared down at it. It was a ring that had belonged to his mother, before she had passed she gave it to him. He had keep it on his person since he returned from the island. He stuck the ring back in his pocket, he knew how he was going to give it to he just didn't know when. He buried his face in his hands, he sighed and looked up. Peko was standing in the door way. " Is everything alright?" She asked worry painted on her face. He nodded " Yeah I'm good. How about you? Are you alright after what happened the other night...I'm just worried." He said flushed. Peko nodded " Yes." She stepped inside the room. " I was told you wished to see me." She said coldly. Fuyuhiko regretted calling her, he wasn't ready to see her not yet anyway. He looked around the room desperately for something to tell her. " After the meeting this asshole is over...Meet me in the garden.Please." He said trying to remain calm. Peko looked at him confused, but then bowed " Yes of course I will see you then." She said as she stood. She hesitated in the doorway,she looked as though she wanted to say something. But she turned and left The room. Once she was out of sight Fuyuhiko sighed " Your a Fucken Genius Fuyuhiko...shit." He mumbled. His attendant appeared in the doorway, along with the leader he was meeting. A large man entered the room, Fuyuhiko smirked " Please have a seat sir." He said gestureing to the mat on the floor. "Let's get this over with." He breathed.
Peko sat on the back porch, of the east wing of the house. She was confused and worried for her master. He had only meet he like this once before, after Natsumi's death. Peko took a deep breath and calmed herself. She closed her eyes for a moment, remembering her childhood. All of the times she had been in this same garden. She smiled slightly thinking of all the times she and her master had gotten into trouble. Her smile fades quickly, it also reminded her of dark times. When he meet her to tell her what he had done to Sato, all of the times she had let him down, when his father had threatened to cast her away, and the worst of them all when she was ordered to kill half the estate. She opened her eyes, she looked over the garden once more. A memory flooded through her thoughts.
' Peko raced through the garden, her tiny legs taking  her as fast as they could. " Young Master this isn't funny. Something could happen to you." She called. She continued to run through the tall grass. She stoped when she found him on the ground. His knee was bleeding and he was trying to silence his sobs Peko raced towards him " Young master." She whispered. She kneeled in front of him, and examined his wound. She carefully teared a piece of fabric of her kimono, and wrapped it around the wound. She gave him a piggy back ride inside. She was later chastised for failing to protect him. She was sitting on the pouch, when he approached her. " I'm sorry Peko. I got you in trouble." He said meekly. Peko shook her head " No he's right. It's my job to protect you and I failed." She said looking down at her feet. " No I got hurt cus I ran away from you. It's my fault. Please don't blame yourself. Please Peko." He begged. Peko tried to smile " Of course Young master." He smiled at her and grabbed her hand " Now let's go play!" And he dragged her inside.'
Fuyuhiko's voice pulled Peko out of her thoughts. "Your thinking about this place right? I get that a lot of things good and bad have happened here." He said sitting next to her. She looked over at him. He dug into his pocket " Look I asked you to meet me here because well I want to ask you something. And I know that you'll probably say no, or push me away. But to be honest I don't give a shit, I'm asking you anyway." He said determined. He looked at her and blushed. " I've know you my whole damn life And no matter what you say, or what's happened. I will never think of you as a tool...shit. Look what I'm trying to say is..." He paused and looked away, he tugged at his tie. " I uh like you. Maybe even love you? Or whatever." He looked back at her, his face red. He grabbed her hand and put the ring in it. " And I was y'know wondering if you would ah...marry me maybe." He said rubbing the back of his neck. Peko blushed but was silent. " Before you say anything...Look I know it's sudden but all my life I've known it was you. Peko ever since I was a boy, I've known that it was you that I wanted to be with. I might be a total dick sometimes, but I do really...Love you. So uh consider." He said standing up. Peko shot up " Young... I ... I'm... Can't...I!" She exclaimed. Fuyuhiko pulled her close to him, he looked down at her. Tears fell down her cheeks, he wiped them away. He tilted her chin up and kissed her. " I don't care if you can't. What I care about is if you want to." He said as he pulled away. Peko blushed " Yes..." She said burring her face in is chest. " Yes I will." She said once more. Fuyuhiko leaned down and kissed her once more.
( Note:  I am trying to update as soon as I can but sometimes I'm not going to be able to meet my deadlines. Please be patient, and thanks for reading 💕
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~Iris )

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