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Peko pulled the blanket closer to her body, she was struggling to sleep. She gazed down at her wedding band, she twisted it around her finger. She let her hand fall back down to her side, she let out a quiet sigh. She glanced over at the sleeping Fuyuhiko beside her. He had his arm wrapped around her waist, keeping her from getting up. He knew her far to well, she sighed once more. She hated sleeping, because sleeping meant nightmares. Peko closed her eyes, and prayed she wouldn't dream at all. When Peko's eyes opened she was intact in a dream. ' She sat outside with a young blonde girl beside her. The girl looked at her and smiled. She grabbed her hand and kicked her legs humming. She looked at Peko again reveling her blood red eyes. She giggled " You know that I'm gonna turn into the monster you where right? You can't protect me, I'm going you die because of you. But it's ok momma I love you even if you are a monster. Even if I die by your hands, I will still love you." She let go of Peko's hand. She tipped backwards and fell into a pit of black.' When Peko opened her she was breathing heavy, and her heart was pounding. She looked over to see fuyuhiko looking at her worried. Peko shook her head and throw herself at him. He held her close, he ran his fingers through her hair, and whispered soothingly into her ear. Once Peko had calmed down she pulled away. Fuyuhiko checked to make sure she was ok, before heading off to a meeting. He always seemed to have business to attend to to. Peko sighed and layed down, she layed one of her arms across her forehead. She had no idea what to make of the girl, or who she was. Peko shook the thoughts out of her head, she didn't need to worry about it. She tried to think of something else but her thoughts circled back to her dream. That young girl was her daughter, that much Peko understood. It was what the girl had said that shook her to the core. Was she really destined to be her own daughters undoing? Peko remember the night of her wedding when Gundam had said he to frequently saw a girl in his own dreams. Maybe it was some kind of sign, but then again maybe it wasn't. Peko chastised herself for even thinking such ridiculous things. Peko wasn't even pregnant, she was thinking to far ahead of herself. She let the last of the fear slip into the back of her mind. She took a deep breath, she slowly sat up. She didn't need to worry about a silly dream surly it had no real importance...right?
Fuyuhiko stood in front of the bathroom mirror. He stared at a reflection he didn't recognize,that he was never going to be able to recognize. Fuyuhiko slowly untied his eye patch, on the back the address of where he had hid his family's valuables what carved on the inside. Fuyuhiko looked in the mirror, and bright blue eye looked back at him. He stared at it for as long as he could, before he had to tear his gaze away. He kept the eye as a reminder that Even though he had evil in him, didn't mean he was evil. Fuyuhiko placed the eyes patch back over his eye. He straightened his suit, he was going to take Peko out of the estate for a couple of days. Maybe during those few days they could be normal, not a hit man and a yakuza heir. Fuyuhiko took one last look at his own green eye before exiting the room. Fuyuhiko didn't know what was to come, but he did know that the man who he had been was long gone. And he didn't plan on coming back.

I've had a hard day so this chapter and the next may be kinda short. Well I hop you enjoyed!
I love you all so much!💕

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