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A/N (Please read) : Hi everyone. Another sasuhina fic, aren't I just awesome!?

Anyway, this is by far my boldest works. The story will be about Kami, karma, hell and heaven among other things; so if you're not comfortable with such mentions, I suggest you leave.

This story is inspired by Peer-e-Kamil - a novel by oh so talented Umera Ahmed. It's been translated in English but unless you're Muslim, I don't suggest you read it. There are many things that you'll not understand and I don't mean in an emotional way, there are things such as Islamic laws and other that will not make sense to non-Muslims so.... yeah.

Anyway, this book will of course be quite different since its mine. There aren't mentions of any specific religion but it would be involving religion even if it's theoretical. I would be using terms such as Kami and Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto(for moon goddess) but I, by no means, would be suggesting any religion through that. God forbid, that's a crime in our religion. I know it's a part of Shinto believe but the only reason i am even using the specific myth is because it has been mentioned in anime itself.

I by no means am trying to preach anything. I wish I could, but I lack the qualifications for that task

Why I'm telling you all this? Because I don't want my readers to not know what they're getting themselves into. I once again ask you to turn away if you're sensitive to such things.

Phew, A/n's are hard. If you're still deciding to read then I welcome you:)

Disclaimer : Don't own Naruto.

What is next to ecstasy?


What is next to pain?


What is next to nothingness?


~ Peer-e-Kamil (S.A.W)


Bright was light. Bright was sun.


Hinata. A place in the sun.

But she was darkness. She was night.

She belonged to the moon.


There was nothing fun about being normal. Normalcy offered you nothing. It had nothing to offer.

His eyes closed as he once again met high.

This was where he belonged.

Ecstasy. The highest point of happiness.

Then what did pain had to offer?

Let's find out, shall we?

Slipping out of the bar, a slap from the cold air as if being reprimanded for all the wrongs he did in the dark of the night.

Who cared? The world would be the same with one less Uchiha Sasuke. If one asked him, he was doing world a favour.

The night clubs, the red light areas, the whores there would like to disagree though.

A rope around his torso connecting to a heavy weight; a single push would all it'd require.

Free fall. He always wanted to be free.

What was it like to be free?

Let's find out, shall we?

Carrying the weight wasn't very fun, inconvenient without his car but he wanted to be away from all these probing gazes. To be free. In its truest sense.

At the edge of the bridge, it was dark down there. The waves crashed against the concrete pillars, yelling, restless. Telling him to stop.


What do you think, mind?

They're right. You should listen to them... nah... just kidding. Go on. I'm on your side.

A smile.

Crazy wouldn't be crazy without a fucked up head.

The metal block was first to go, a harsh tug followed, knocking the very air out of his lungs. It was okay though. He won't be needing it anyway.

A treacherous splash resounded, selling him out. His head hit something hard, darkness conquering his senses. Once again he was losing battle to his body.

You traitor, you should be more like mind.

The last thing he saw before raising his white flag to unconsciousness was the fuzzy white orb hanging high in the dark sky.


Bright. Bright was Naruto.

With the blond tuft sitting on the top of his head, ever so wild.

Bright. Bright was his smile, which often left her blinded yet wanting to see it again.

She wished to see him. She wished to be with him.

He had already paid gravely for her wishes. They were ripped apart because of her.

It was her turn now. Her turn to make sacrifices.

She might die.

If she couldn't be with him, she wouldn't be without him either.

Naruto-kun. Wait for me.



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