Chapter 7

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Disclaimer : Don't own Naruto.

Chapter 7

He had not expected to see her there. The temple wouldn't have it.

He was a sinner after all. They wouldn't want to have her purity tainted.

Dark locks veiled her pearl eye, head bowed, shoulders slouched; she was a picture of a defeated man.

He had never seen her look this tired.

"You sure made a laughing stock out of me, huh? Everyone's calling me a fraud."

"And you aren't? It was you who failed after all."

So easily he had rendered her speechless, taken away her ability to speak her mind - something she always took great pride in. He had crushed her voice under his feet like an insect.

Words had been her territory, she had always reigned it like an empress.

This wasn't her, the failure he had reduced her to.

And she had actually thought she was winning.

"Is that it all? Were you trying to prove something?

"Not really but I guess my efforts came with an added bonus."

Her lips quivered, eyes filled up; he had reduced her existence to a mere question.

She thought she could do this if she tried.

She thought she could be a saviour for once.

She was nobody's sun.

Sasuke had shoved that in her face.

"What do you see when you look at me?"

The playfulness in his eyes substituted by seriousness, this was something he had always asked himself.

What was she?

A lingering smile to his face...

A dream...

An illusion...

A girl who believed in good in others...

A girl who smiled when yelled at, returned cruelty with kindness because she thought what you did was returned to you tenfolds...

A girl who was reminder of happier times...

His childhood; when he kissed her mother, begged Itachi for piggyback rides and made father 'father's day' cards...

A glimpse into what everyone yearned for...


"A lie."

Head bobbing, hair fluttering, tears flying and yet a smile was what she offered him.

"Thank you for being honest."

His eyebrows dipped, there was something that didn't set right with him.

"What are you planning, Hyuuga?"

"We had one more session to go. Consider this it. Also I wanted to tell you I saved your life so you owe me."

"Ah but princess, it was your poison that is to blame in the first place."

"If I had my way, you won't be here being all cocky with me."

A smirk. "Never though I'd see the day when I finally got to you, Hyuuga. "

She got up to leave.

"What? Running away now?"

Dainty hands reached for the door knob; so many emotions crossing her face, what was he seeing? What was he looking for? How could there be so much and yet nothing?

"Stop it Sasuke, before it's too late."

An eyebrow rose.

"You would never get there so stop before your'e hurt beyond repair."

She had never made any sense to him but at the particular moment, she was more confusing then ever.

"Pain, there's no end to it; no high, no low. It only gets worse and when you think that you've finally experience it, that you can't be hurt beyond the pain you've been subjected to, you're only proved wrong. So, so wrong."

A story unfolding in her eyes, pages turning; these weren't just mere words; she was narrating her life.

Perhaps she had been there - the high - she looked so sure of her words. It scared him.

Scared that she might actually be right for once; scared that maybe there was nothing for him to look for to begin with.

What became of life without purpose?

There's only one thing Sasuke had chased after, was still chasing after and she was talking that away from him.

"The only high pain knows is Hell. And you don't find Hell with your body Sasuke. Your soul has to be ripped from it to know it. Do you know why? Because you're body only capable of hurting so much."

"Get out."

She smiled. "This isn't goodbye Sasuke, remember you owe me."

The door clicked behind her.

He was breathing hard, blood gushing in ears like ocean waves crashing against the shore. Why did he always let her get to him? She was just a mere girl with fancy words.

This changed nothing. This encounter changed nothing at all. He was still a man on a mission.

He refused to believe that he wasn't sure anymore.


Gray. That's how he'd define his days if asked.

Nothing really changed, Sasuke was starting to believe that this world was a constant.

Mother was still annoying as ever.

Father, as absent as always.

Itachi with his calculating eyes, following him.

The only thing that did change was the name with which he remembered his prison... college.

Popular was popular. Nerds, nerdy as ever.

Lectures... boring.

Karin and her slutty ways...

Sometimes the same old routine left him with no energy to spare.

Booze tasted like shit now, whores performed the same old repeat.

What was he doing really?

Hinata was the only breath of fresh air and he hadn't heard from her in months.

The Temple wouldn't let him in if he tried.

He was a sinner after all; brothels, bars and red light areas was where he belonged.

...where he belong...

Where did he belong?

He was losing his mind.

"He's suffering from depression. I prescribing him antidepressant."

Why don't I shove that up your ass, doc?

The only good it did him was make him sleep more and have a over active sex drive which left him even more depressed then before.

Ecstasy was lost to him.

He needed to see her one more time.

It would require a miracle for him to be able to do that.

A hypocrite he was - looking for miracles and denying Kami all together.

Just once. She'd make it go away.

He would pray if that's what it took.

There was no line separating his lies from truth.



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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2017 ⏰

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