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~Prom thing where Gabriel zaps them all to prom cause hey why not~

Dean glared at the offending archangel across the room who grinned back

"Prom?" Dean questioned

"Why yes I would enjoy taking your brother to prom"

Dean scoffed "if you haven't noticed we are adults we don't go to prom anymore"

Gabriel's eyes glittered and his grin grew "Really now?"


"Well in that case.....I'll have to make some minor changes"

Snapping his fingers Dean found himself in the middle of what looked like a school gym wearing.....A emerald green dress,

Dean's face reddened and grew redder when he heard two voices behind him,

"Dean is that you?"

"Why are you wearing a dress?"

Dean took in a deep breath and spun to face Castiel and Sam both of whom where in suits Castiel's tie matching his eyes Sam's covered in tiny moose's,

"Gabriel did this all of this" Dean said gesturing around and Sam slowly nodded

"So we are at prom?"

"Seems so"

Castiel who had remained silent up until now looked at dean

"Would you like to dance?"


"I believe that it is customary to ask someone you are attracted too to dance"

"ok.....Sam you find Trickster and ask him to change this all back to normal ok?"

"I'm on it"

Castiel and Dean walked away and Sam looked around slowly recognizing more and more people,

Adam was staring at Samandriel by the punch bowl, Lucifer was in a corner seething while wearing a pink sparkly dress, Crowley was trying to flirt with bobby and Balthazar was screaming at the DJ for playing Celine Dion,

And other people he couldn't recognize, Until he saw a specific male with Golden hair leaning against a speaker watching Balthazar,

Sam walked up behind him tapping him on the shoulder

"Oh hey Samshine"

"Gabriel whats going on? why are Dean and Lucifer in dresses? why are we at prom?"

"Well you see Samington I wanted to take you to prom and Dean made a very nice point of telling me that we are indeed adults therefore could not go to an actual prom so I made one for everyone.....Also so that Dean and Cassie could get together cause oh my do they ever eyefu-"

"ok but still why are Lucifer and Dean In dresses?"

"Cause they annoy me and you gotta admit We all look quite splendid"

Sam nodded cause even he couldn't deny that Gabriel did indeed look very nice in his suit with the Golden tie,

"But why did you make my tie covered in tiny moose?"

"Cause I covered it with your own kind now do you wanna dance?" Gabriel asked bowing and holding a hand out to Sam who sighed and Accepted


Pulling Sam close to him Gabriel slowly swayed along to what was most definitely not Celine Dion as the DJ was now dead and Balthazar was in charge of music,

"You know if you weren't so tall I could spin you"

Sam smiled and spun Gabriel who when facing Sam again looked quite grumpy

"oh be quite"

"I''m actually quite surprised you said yes to dancing with me"


"I thought you didn't like me"

Sam laughed "Well that's obviously a lie"

A bright smile crossed Gabriel's face and he stood on his tip-toes to kiss Sam thinking that this was probably his best idea ever.

Also If you're wondering about Dean and Castiel then don't fret as they just migrated to a broom closet to do the Naked Horizontal Kielbasa Dance.

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