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"I don't wanna go I don't wanna go!" Dean Winchester half said half singsonged watching his little brother Sam skip down the sidewalk, 

"Oh I remember what it was like to be a freshman.." Dean thought "Full of annoying optimism and unaffected by things like least I'm a senior'

"Dean If you don't hurry we will be late and I will blame you" Sam called from a little ways up 

"Its around the corner Sammy cool your jets" Dean shouted back rounding the corner where that stupid grey and red building was. 

"What kind of school mascot is a antelope? like the opposing schools have badass things and we have a goddamned antelope, A glorified deer" Dean grumbled not watching where he was going and bumping into someone. 

"Sorry" Dean said not really meaning it as the person turned around 

"Its fine....What's your name?" The boy asked staring at Dean with an unnervingly calm face and bright blue eyes, 

"Uhh Dean you?" 

"Castiel...I'm in Mr. Watson's 3rd period" 

"Hey me too" Dean said and Castiel gave a small smile 

"Good I'll see you then....Dean" Castiel gave a wink and then walked off leaving Dean to think that maybe this year wouldn't be too bad.


I start school tomorrow kill me plz

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