Sam and Gabriel Set sail to Destiel

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~We are going to pretend that Gabriel is still alive and with everyone in the bunker ok? Also I have no idea how fancy restaurants work~

Gabriel Whined loudly throwing himself onto Sam looking up at the hunter pouting 

"Uh Gabe you ok?" 

"No Sam I'm not" Gabriel huffed moving around so that he was leaning against the side of the couch legs thrown over Sams legs, 

"Can I ask why?" 

"Yes you can its our brothers" 

"Dean and Cas?" Sam asked curiously looking at Gabriel 

"No Adam and Balthazar Yes Cassie and Dean"

"Well whats wrong" Sam was far from worried considering it was Gabriel complaining 

"Whats wrong is that they won't stop undressing each other with their eyes when they are in the kitchen like please I'm trying to eat!" 

Sam sighed pinching the bridge of his nose it honestly wasn't the first time that Gabriel had ranted about their brothers obvious love for one another "So what your saying is-"

"That we should get Cas and Dean together? Brilliant Sam"

"How are we even going to do that?" Sam asked pushing Gabriel's legs off of him and Sitting Crisscross on the couch 

A grin spread across Gabriel's face as he winked at Sam 

"I my dearest moose have an Idea". 


Dean curiously looked at the bag on his bed, it was just a normal shopping bag nothing 'Supernatural' About it but where in the world had it come from?

Hesitantly Dean opened the bag revealing a black outfit where there was a splash of green near the bottom when a disembodied voice spoke around him   

"Dean I swear if you don't put on the goddamned outfit and get your ass to the kitchen I will send you to hell.......Again" 

"Gabriel?" Dean asked looking at the celing 

"Who else could it be now Cassie already has his on now get yours on otherwise your gonna end up naked in say........Middle of the shopping center?"

"Fine I'll put the Damned costume on" Dean muttered insults all while putting what turned out to be a very nice suit that had a green tie which had been the splash of colour Dean had seen in the bag, 

Looking in the mirror Dean decided that he really didn't look half bad and therefore decided to go along with whatever Gabriel was planning and walked towards the kitchen. 

Dean pretty much had to keep himself from laughing when he saw the kitchen looked nothing like the normal kitchen, Instead the floor was a deep red almost like blood with feathery swirly patterns on it and the walls where a deep reddish brown wood, Dim lighting and to top off There was Sam dressed in a black suit with a bowtie, 

"Hello sir are you the plus one for Mr.Novak?" 

"Sam the hell's going on?" 

Sams lips quirked upwards and he motioned for Dean to follow him,

Dean looked dumbstruck he saw Castiel sitting in what seemed to be the only table in this place wearing a identical suit to Deans however the tie was a bright sky blue, 

Dean sat down awkwardly as Sam went who knows where

"Cas whats going on?" 

"I have no idea Dean". 

The night passed oddly First Sam had brought them wine of all things then some kind of pasta in which Dean had no idea what fork to use, 

"Who needs three forks?" He asked picking up one at random to eat the pasta 

"I Think they are used for different things Dean" 

"Makes no sense but ok", 

They proceeded to eat in silence when Castiel suddenly spoke 

"This is kinda like a date" 

"A date? where did you-?"

"TV Dean" 

"Oh.....Yeah I guess its like a date" 

"Could I possibly take you on another date? One that is not influenced by our brothers?" 

Dean smiled "Sure Cas I'd like that" 

Castiel smiled standing up walking over to Dean giving him a kiss on the cheek while a inhuman screech came from somewhere in the back, 

"Was that-?" 

"Yes It was Gabriel" 

~Many hours later in Sams bedroom~ 

"that was a success" Gabriel sighed happily Falling backwards onto Sams bed "Destiel is now Canon!!" He whooped while Sam grinned sitting on his bed

"Wait Destiel?" 

"Like a mix of their names" 

"I see so we would be....."



Gabriel suddenly got a gleam in his eye as he leaned against Sam smirking 

"And what do you say about making that Canon?" 

"Well I say" Sam began slowly moving so that he was on top of Gabriel straddling him "That would be alright with me"

Gabe grinned bringing his lips to meet Sams in a kiss that tasted like Candy and Mint. 

Two ships sailed that night.  

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