What do Castiel and Patrick Stump have in common?-By Fall Out Boy

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"I'm a what?" Patrick asked wide eyed as he stared at the dark haired man who had just kinda appeared out of thin air, 

"Patrick My name is Castiel and it seems as though you are an angel of the lord" The man...Castiel said staring down at Patrick

"I see....and why was I not informed on it sooner? and if I was an angel don't you think I would know?" Patrick asked crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes at the 'angel' 

"You bring up a good point but it seems as though you wished too live a normal life and forget about heaven" 

"What about my friends?" 

"If you speak of Joe, Andy and Pete.....They're angels too" 

"Holy Smokes....." 

"Hey Patrick we.....who's this dude?" 

"Pete this is Castiel, Castiel Pete and by the way we're angels™"  Patrick said surprisingly calm, 

"We're what?" Pete asked staring between the two, his eyes wide, 

"You four men appear to be angels" Castiel said calmly then looked at Patrick "You seem to be quite calm despite the news I have just presented to you" 

"Oh that's cause I'm about to faint" Patrick said smiling right before his eyes rolled back and he fell to the ground, Pete just managing to get him before he fell completely, 

"I trust you will tell the other two of this news?" Castiel asked as Pete tried to pick up his unconscious friend, 

"Yeah yeah sure" Pete said looking back up only to find the only confirmed angel™ gone. 

"Pete whe-Why is Patrick Unconscious?" Joe asked as he stepped into the room alongside Andy, 

"Oh Just cause a weird man in a suit and trenchcoat just showed up and told him that the four of us are Angels™" Pete said as if it was obvious and he tried dragging Patrick into the back so that he could lay down, 

"He said what?" Andy asked wide eyed watching Pete lay Patrick on the couch 

"We're angels" 

".....Well then I must say that, that one is unexpected" Joe said just as two tawny brown wings unfolded from his back 

"This sucks" Pete muttered as he watched Andy's peach colored wings unfold just as his black ones appeared and the sleeping Patrick's white ones, 

"Know what doesn't suck? Joe asked a slow grin spreading on his face 

"What Joe?" Andy asked raising his eyebrows 


"Joe no" 

"Joe yes". 

And that's the story about how Fall Out Boy found out that they where angels and then Andy and Pete tried to Stop Joe from flying around the city as Patrick lowkey freaked out. 

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