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~Holy heck am I ever in the mood for a french vanilla~

 Gabriel worked in a coffee shop....That's it there was no sugar coating it unless a customer asked for some, now he did have a friend that happened to work the same shift as him which was nice....Although that friend was really his little brother Castiel, There was another thing to look forward to however.


To Gabriel he was honestly perfect, Tall dark hair beautiful eyes.........and thanks to the fact that he came in almost every single day he'd actually become quite close friends with the man.


Gabriel rolled his eyes at his baby brother 

"Yes Castiel?"

"We seem to have run out of Soy milk" He muttered looking down at the split milk on the ground 

"Eh who needs it?"

"People who are allergic to milk?"

"Besides them"

Honestly it got quite slow around the coffee shop in which they worked mostly due to the fact that hardly anyone lived in this town usually meaning Castiel and Gabriel could talk

"Well maybe some people-" Castiel didn't get to finish however as the little bell rang and Sam walked in ducking under the door frame that was meant for normal sized people

"Hey Gabriel" He greeted walking to the front 

"Hello Sasquatch back again?" 

"Really you see me everyday" and Gabriel shrugged

"Yeah well you do seem to like coffee...Anyways what'll it be today?"

Sam's cheeks grew pink faintly "Well I was thinking maybe you could make me your favorite drink this time" 

"Wouldn't advise that" Castiel shouted from the back room "He's got a sweet tooth the size of the sun your teeth will fall out before you know it"

"Shut up Cas" Gabriel yelled back and he turned to Sam "I'll cut down the sugar for you alright?" He winked as he turned to the coffee makers behind him puling random stuff and soon enough there was a cup in front of Sam with his name and something else written on it 

"There you go" 

Sam took a sip and his eyes widened "That's really good actually"

"Thanks and before you ask what its called I really have no idea"

"So you mean to say you just pull random things and out comes coffee?"

"Not exactly" Castiel said emerging from the back "Our boss lets us make ourselves a cup after the day is over so we usually just use whatever's left"

"Yeah and mine just so happens to be Caramel, Vanilla, Two sugars and Dark roast"

Castiel quirked a eyebrow "You told me it was six sugars"

"You told me not to give Sam so much sugar" 

"Its great either way Gabriel thanks"

"No problem Sam" 

Sam nodded to him and went to a corner to sit down and Gabriel got back to work sighing hoping that Sam would read what he had written on the cup

~Sams POV~ 

Sam did read what was written on the cup and he intended to follow what was said 

"Wait for me I need to ask you something when I get off work"

Thankfully he had brought his laptop with him so that he wouldn't be completely bored while the hours winded up then down on the clock it was soon the end of Gabriel's shift at 6:30.

"Uh hey" Gabriel greeted nervously "Sorry bout the wait"

"No it's fine just next time tell me when your shift ends" Sam joked but then immediately fell silent at Gabriel's nervous expression 

"Gabe you ok?"

"Yeah just can we go outside?"

Sam stood up nodded and they both walked out into the cool night air Gabriel turning to Sam 

"IreallylikeyouandIwannagoonadatewithyou" He said quickly 

"ok say that again but slower"

Gabriel took in a deep breath slapping himself mentally on how nervous he was

"I like you and would like to take you out on a date would that be ok?" 

Sam stared at him for a split second before his face split into a wide grin 

"Yeah It would be considering i was gonna ask you out tomorrow" 

Gabriel brightened "You where?"

"Yeah give me your phone I'll put my number in it"

Gabriel did so happily 

"Well good night" 

"Not yet" Sam leaned down and quickly kissed Gabriel on the cheek smiling when his face turned bright red 

"Now its good night" he said walking away as Gabriel did the cheesy 'Call me' Sign with his hand completely unaware that Castiel had recorded the whole thing and was intending on showing it to there other brothers. 

and once he d good grief they  wouldn't stop wolf-whistling. 

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