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~Cause this is an adorable ship~

Samandriel looked at the sparkling rings beneath the glass he wanted one for Adam but he had no idea what one Adam would like, 

"Hello there sir can I help you?"

Samandriel looked up at a happy looking young girl and nodded "Yeah I'm looking for a ring for someone but I don't know what one I should get"

The girl nodded "Alright well is there a special occasion?" 

"Not really but I really like them and I wanna spend forever with them" 

The girl smiled "That's so sweet are they a boy or a girl? I only ask cause of ring sizes and such"

"They are a boy"

"Alright well over here might be a some good selections".


Samandriel sat on the couch clutching the small velvet case, the woman had been very helpful and helped Samandriel pick a ring that he thought that Adam would like very much he just had to wait until he returned. 

"I freaking hate Sam and Dean" Yep there was Adam 

"Are you ok?" Samandriel asked standing up and walking over to Adam who smiled and nodded 

"Yeah they just made me go to another bar but now I'm here with you and I couldn't be happier"

Samandriel gave him a nervous smile and gripped the box tighter, Adam noticed his nervousness and frowned 

"You ok Alfie? you look nervous"

Samandriel nodded swallowing the lump forming in his throat 

"Yeah I'm ok I got something for you" 

"What is it?" Adam asked 

"Close your eyes and hold out your hand" 

Adam nodded and shut his eyes holding his hand out, Samandriel put the box in his hand and let out a breath 

"ok open your eyes"

Adam did and looked at the box tilting his head slightly  

"Here I bought this for you" 

Adam looked confused at Samandriel before opening the box eyes widening 

"Wow...Its so pretty"

"I heard that humans gave rings to the ones they want to stay with forever" 

"You're right"

"Will you stay with me Adam?"

"Of course I will"

Samandriel hugged Adam tightly who hugged him right back they stayed like that for a while just enjoying that they finally where together. 

Neither of them noticed Dean and Castiel in the bushes watching them with binoculars.

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