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✦-Book 2 people

[Your POV]

Okay, I don't know what happened, but like, there's also a Woozi in that group and omg he's just like the genie. I checked out some of their predebut videos, and he almost hit a member with a guitar, just like Woozi did when saving Hoshi.

They're both called Woozi, it's making me woozy.

I bet Woozi from the genie world decided to be a human too and there he goes. He slipped into that diamond life.

To stop with the bad jokes, Seventeen finally made their debut with a song called Adore U. I like it. Wait, no, I mean love it.

Back to my deal. Hoshi and I, we're still 'friends'. To say I confessed to him before... I don't know how I got the courage to do it back then, but right now it seems so impossible. In all honesty, my feelings for him haven't changed. I mean, you can't really forget someone like him... you know? Also, I'm not really trying to get over him, really. I'm just kind of lowkey hoping he's going to like me again someday. I won't ever force him or anything, though, because that's against my morals.

Sometimes, when I'm alone, I recall all of our memories. It's in moment like those that I wish we would still be a couple. If only there hadn't been such untold law of one of us necessarily forgetting everything, but, though it didn't make any sense, you just had to roll with it. It was like many things from the human world, actually. It was just like how we seek love and friendship. We could do things alone, but we still seek other's company anyway.

Hoshi had been well, all this time. He got used to his new life very fast. Once in a while, I reflect on if I should tell him everything about where he really comes from. But even if I would, I doubt he would ever believe he had been a genie. Regular humans don't believe in those things, and he was one of them now. My consolation was that I could still be by his side. That's all that really mattered.

- - -

"Are you crazy?" I asked Hoshi after he hit me with a pillow. Bro, it's one thing to hit me with a pillow, but it's an other to hit me with it while I'm sleeping.

(I had fallen asleep while watching a movie with him at seventeen's dorm.)  \_O_/

His eyes glistened. He seemed happy of my reaction, mostly because he thought his teasing had worked on me. And yeah, it totally did. He stuck his tongue out for a split second, but just enough for me to notice and get even angrier.

Oh hell no.

I'm not letting this pass.

You woke me up from my sleep.


I grabbed the pillow from his hands in a swift movement. He ran for his life while I chased him around the dorm. It was all one big joke to Soonyoung. It made him laugh a lot, and he was constantly giggling all throughout the chase. That was kind of cute, honestly.

"COME BACK HERE" I yelled. Soon after, I managed to stop him.

"I NEVER KNEW YOU WERE THIS VIOLENT OMG," he whined after I hit him in the face with the pillow. I crossed my arms and wore a victorious smile. That's what you get. Without a care in the world, Hoshi simply laughed as he ploppped down on the couch. I sat next to him.

"It was fun, though." He smiled.

"Can I go back to sleep now ?" I asked.

"Nooo!" He pouts.

"I'm tired after chasing you, though" I complained. How long was that? Five minutes of chasing? I need to do more cardio. I just woke up, so that might be it.

"Then sleep on my shoulder." He looked straight into my eyes, as if he was serious. He pointed to his shoulder.

My eyes widened, why would he say that to a friend? Or... did he remember? Did he remember about us?

"Just joking, ehehheh" His serious expression turned into a cheeky grin.

"You jerk!" I hit him again with the pillow, feeling my face becoming red. For a second I really thought...

If only you knew.

"Alright, alright, sorry," he said.

Silence filled the room. We were alone in the dorm since the others had decided to go somewhere. They insisted on leaving us both here, which is already weird enough. I feel like this was planned... I swear these guys, what do they even have in mind?

"So, what do you want to do?" Hoshi asked me.

"Don't know," I casually replied.

"Then can you tell me how we met before I forgot everything?"


Hmm, how should I say this?

I was going to hang out with Wonwoo, but then I said the time, and you randomly popped out of nowhere while telling me you were a genie from another world.

Totally believable. Sike.

"Well, huh, I don't remember," I lied. I looked at him to see if he had believed my lie. He's a fool, so he obviously did-

"Oh, we must have known each for a long time, then." He smiles.

"Huh, yeah, exactly."

"How was I when we first met?"

When we first met... Erm.. a pervert?? At least I thought you were.

"Special," I ended up saying.

"What do you mean?" he asked for precisions.




"Then, do you know why I forgot everything?" he tried again.

Oh shit oh shit hoshit

I avoided his gaze, an awkward feeling submerging me. It's all because of me. How am I even supposed to tell him that? He noticed me avoiding his eyes.

"You know, don't you?" I looked straight back at him.



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