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We continued running towards a more crowded place, hoping that Jr would loose us in the crowd. We arrived in the town, which indeed had a lot of genies walking the streets.

"This way!" Woozi told us as he took a turn to the right. We went away from the Main Street and hid between two buildings.

"We have to make a plan." Hoshi stated. I nodded.

"What should we do though?" I asked.

"Well we got to make him less angry... and convince him to let us leave so..." Hoshi stated our goals as he turned to Woozi.

"You're a genie can't you do anything?" He asked.

"Well what??" Woozi replied.

"I don't know, a potion to make him less angry? Or one to convince him to let us go."

"Well that's kinda hard. I don't think it will help that much anyway, he doesn't want you guys to know about the genie world. Even if you leave, the problem will still be there, he's probably going to bring you back one day." Woozi shared his thoughts.

"What to do?" I sighed.

We don't want some temporary resolution. We need a final one.

"I think I have an idea" Hoshi suddenly said.

Woozi and I looked at him curiously.

"Woozi do you think we could erase Jr's memory?" Soonyoung looked at him seriously.

"Are you seriously thinking that? What about the genie world? You're forgetting about the records too!" Woozi replied.

"What records?" I asked.

"The throne room is full of books like you saw, most of them are records of the genies' work. There is definitely one for Hoshi." Woozi explained.

"Well if you can make a potion to make Jr forget about the two of us only, we would only have to destroy the records concerning Hoshi." I answered.

Woozi stayed silent as he thought during a while. Hoshi and I looked at each other meanwhile, wondering if he would accept this idea.

"Fine. I guess this could work, but you have to promise me that everything concerning this world will stay between the two of you, and only you." He said.

"I promise." We both said.

"Okay, I'll make the potion now. One of you will make JR drink it and the other will destroy the records, it means you'll have to go back to the throne room." Woozi explained his plan.

"It would be a better idea that I confront the god of genies since he is really angry at (Y/N)." Hoshi chose. I nodded, thinking he was right.

"Okay, then I'll go destroy the records." I said.

We all nodded to each other agreeing to the plan. I would go back to the throne room and they would go find Jr.

I started walking away, but Hoshi took me by the arm. I turned back towards him questioningly. He looked at me a second.

"Good luck, I'll find you at the throne room after okay?" He smiled reassuringly and I smiled back to him. I hugged him a last time, in case things wouldn't turn out the way we wanted it.

"Take care too, see ya in a while." I said, and started walking, then running towards the palace, where the throne room was.

[Hoshi's POV]

We watched (Y/N) during a while, then I turned to Woozi.

22:22 | Hoshi Where stories live. Discover now