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[Y/N's POV]

I finally arrived at the palace. I just need to go back to the throne room now and find the-

Baekho and Ren blocked my way as I entered the throne room. I had completely forgotten about these two. We had beat them during the fight earlier, so I don't think they exactly like me.

"Oh it's the girl," Baekho said.

"Ahahahah, umm, yeah guys, I'm just gonna go inside and read you know... Just wanna look through the books and stuff," I said nervously as I pointed over to the wall of books.

"You thought we'd believe that?" Ren laughed. They both gripped my arms and dragged me over to the throne. They tied up my hands together and made me sit on a random chair. I guess it's not everyone that gets to sit on the throne. 

"Seriously guys? Did you really need to tie up my hands?"

"Well we never know if you'd attack us," Ren answered my comment.

"Let's wait for Jr to comeback before making a decision on what to do with her, it shouldn't be that long," Ren stated to his companion. I snickered.

As if. Hoshi will clearly beat him. I thought.

Baekho nodded and we all stayed quiet during a long moment. The two of them were looking around awkwardly. Meanwhile, I was looking through the book shelves for Hoshi's record. I was sitting rather close to the books, so I could see the titles of some of them. After a little while of observation, I saw the books and records were classified according to the alphabetical order. I was sitting on the side, in front of the As. When freeing myself somehow, all I would have to do is go to the H section and find the one called Hoshi or something like that.

[Hoshi's POV]

On my way back to the palace, I encountered Woozi. He seemed to be waiting nervously. As he saw me, he jumped up from his seat.

"Hoshi! What about Jr?" he asked curiously.

"I made him drink the potion," I told him. He sighed in relief. He composed himself again and looked at me seriously.

"Let's go find (Y/N). I have a bad feeling we forgot two characters in this..." Woozi whispered the end.

He was right. There was also Ren and Baekho... The two of us ran back to the palace.

[(Y/N)'S POV]

Suddenly, the door burst open, as randomly as I had opened it just earlier this day.

Hurricane came in. *cough cough* I mean Hoshi.

He was followed by our pink-haired friend. Baekho and Ren both stood up in a instant. Me too, but erm I couldn't do much with my hands tied right now.

I had to do my mission first. As my two guards were distracted by Hoshi and Woozi, I turned to the books and ran towards the 'H' section.

Heechul... Henry... Hongbin... ah Hoshi!

I read the names in my head until I found the right book. I took it, though my hands were tied at the wrists. It's so annoying to have your hands tied. I turned to look at the boys. They were trying to resonate Baekho and Ren.

"Does it make any sense to you to destroy people's relationship??"

"It's for our world..."

22:22 | Hoshi Where stories live. Discover now