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[Genie world]

"So, I need your opinion on what we can do about these two." Jr told Ren.

"I'm not sure of what we can do..." Ren said. Both of them fell into silence, mostly to think about solutions. After some time, Jr spoke again.

"We could bring (Y/N) and Hoshi here, in the genie world, and keep them here. We'd just have to erase the mind of the people they are close to. Erase every trace of them on the earth." Jr suggested.

"For (y/n), maybe, but for Hoshi it won't work. He's a celebrity now. Too much people knows about him. We can't erase parts of that much people's mind. " Ren explained.

"What if we bring them here, and try to remove the anormalities instead?" Ren then proposed.

"And how would we remove their love for each other??" Jr asked.

"A potion should do. Although such potion consume a lot of power of luck." Ren replied.

Power of luck, was a term used to describe the power of genies to make wishes true. Only one wish a day can be asked normally. Some wishes are harder to do because they are of a important extent and take more power of luck. A genie granting such wish would feel weak after it.

"If we remove the anormalities, they should forget everything about this world..." Jr smirked, apparently agreeing to the plan.

"Perfect, call Baekho over." He told Ren.


[Hoshi's POV, a day later]

As I was practicing our new song's choreo at Pledis, I thought again of the dream I had made yesterday morning. I wonder how much time was necessary for my memory to be completely back...

I heard the sound of a notification from my phone and stopped dancing to go see the message. It was (y/n) that had texted me.

Jagiya<3 : Are you busy? Want to meet?
Me : Sure let's meet :)
Jagiya<3 : at the park?
Me : good with me. See you in five. :3

I smiled and quickly cleaned up the practice room. I then drank some water. I hadn't actually been practicing for long, so I wasn't too sweaty. I left the building to go meet (y/n). The breeze cooled me off.

While on my way to the park, I received a text message from her. It said "I'm there :)". I smiled again and ran the short way that was left.

Arrived at the park, I looked around for her, but couldn't see her. I ended up walking the whole park to found (y/n), but didn't. Instead, I bumped into some guy by accident.

"Oh sorry." I said. The guy looked at me, then addressed me.

"Are you Hoshi?" He asked.

"Ah yes. Are you a fan?" I replied slightly confused.

"No." The guy told me.

He was looking at me strangely. Like he knew me, but I had no idea who he was. Someone from before my memory loss maybe? (Y/N) never talked to me about such a person though...

"Then... who are you?" I asked him.

"Baekho." The guy replied. Then everything turned black...


[Genie world]

"Hoshi! Hoshi! Ya Hoshi!"

22:22 | Hoshi Where stories live. Discover now