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"You what?" I asked, not sure if I had heard right.

"I love you" he repeated.

"Hoshi I..."

"never stopped loving you, you idiot."

[Did I scare you😂?]

He smiled and hugged me. I returned his hug and we both sat on a bench that was in the park.

"I have something else to tell you." He said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I think I'm getting my memory back by dreaming." He declared.

"You mean your memory from your genie life?" I asked to make sure I understood. He nodded as an answer.

"How is this possible? You're not supposed to remember anything..."

"I don't know, but it is a good thing."

"What about your life now ?"

"It will just continue, like you said a while ago, now I'm able to dream for myself. Becoming a singer and being apart of Seventeen is my dream." I nodded, of course I understood.

"The fact that I am remembering the past won't change who I am now." He added.


"But (Y/N), you were my dream from way back then, and even now. This won't change either."

"I'm just glad you can have your dreams realized, so continue what you're doing. I only wish for you to be happy." I told him with a smile.

[later that week]

I had been invited to Seventeen's dorm, my best friend would also be there. Why were we invited? No reason, Hyemi just wanted to pass some time with Wonwoo and I somehow found myself in this. Don't ask. I wasn't planning to come, I was forced to. Compared to some times before though, I didn't mind going to their dorm. It wasn't awkward with Hoshi anymore so I was just glad to be able to pass some time with him.

Arriving at their dorm, I noticed Seungkwan staring at me. I walked in and greeted the members of seventeen. Hoshi then walked up to me with a smile on his lips.

[Seungkwan's POV]

I looked at Soonyoung walking over to (Y/N). When he turned back I could see him smile happily. This got me confused. Weren't they awkward lately? Yes, I had noticed it. But what happened between these two exactly?

While lost in my thoughts, I hadn't noticed that everyone had left toward the living room. I only realized when Seungcheol waved his hand in front of my face.

"Yah Seung' what are you doing? Come." He pointed towards the others.

"Ah yes." I replied and followed him inside the living room.

We sat in a circle and everyone started talking between themselves. I stayed silent, observing Soonyoung and (y/n).

"Should we play a game?" Joshua suggested.

"What game?" Minghao asked.

"Just Dance!" Chan answered instead of Joshua.

I feel like Chan would choose a Michael Jackson song. -_-

Everyone agreed to play the game, so we all moved again to leave a space for the dancing area.

Of course, Dino decided to dance first. He did 'Thriller' from Michael Jackson. Then (y/n) and Soonyoung were the next up. They selected a duet song. A love song.

Umm no. What are you doing Hosh?

What are you doing now? Kimbap kidding?

At the end of the song Hoshi won the dance battle but they both had an high score. I had to beat Hoshi.

"Can I play next?" I asked.

"Yeah sure, which song?" Seungcheol asked me.

"Same as Hosh." I replied.

I stood up and got ready for the dance. I concentred on the moves and did my best. It was going faster than I expected though and I failed in beating Soonyoung. Just when I felt inferior for not beating Hoshi. (y/n) spoke to me.

"Great game Seungkwan! You got the same score as me." She said.

I turned back to look at the score. It was right. I had the exact same score she got. Well I guess it isn't that bad after all. I smiled at her and told her we should do a game together. She agreed to my suggestion and we sat back down to watch Jun and Minghao play. Hoshi was sitting next to us.

After that I became my usual self. I spoke a lot and made everyone laugh.

Diva Boo is back.

A/N: I'm really sorry for not updating in a long time, I had a writing block in this fic. When I decided to write this chapter I still didn't have much ideas so idk if it's crappy or not. Pls forgive me. Bai.

22:22 | Hoshi Where stories live. Discover now