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[(Y/N)'s POV]

"Oh heeeell no. I'm going with (Y/N)!"

"Umm No, I'm going with her, not you."

I don't know how it ended up like this, but Seungkwan and Hoshi were debating about who's going with me to the local super market to buy food for everyone. Seriously though, I don't understand why they're making so much of a deal about it..?

"(Y/N), choose!" Seungkwan then said, turning to me.

Oh no. Now what? How am I supposed to choose when I know I'll upset the other one?

"Guys stop arguing about this and go all three of you." Seungcheol told them. Thank you for saving me leader-nim.

[My autocorrect going "leader-nun"... ]

"Eh? No way not with him!" They both said. Why were they acting like such kids seriously..?

"Ok you guys know what? You two will go together and (Y/N) will stay here." Seungcheol told them.


"Umm yes, final decision. You guys are going together." S.coups pushed them towards the exit even if they were complaining until the end. He then closed the door and everyone sighed in relief.

"Guess they both like you (Y/N)" Jeonghan said.

"Hmm. Actually, I'm dating Soonyoung now." I replied. Everyone turned to me.

"Since when?"

"We started dating a couple days ago." I told.


[Seungkwan's POV]

The walk to the supermarket was really silent. Neither of us talked during a good 5 minutes until Hoshi broke the ice.

"Seungkwan, do you... like (Y/N)?"

"Yes." I told him.

There was an other moment of silence before I asked him the same question.

"What about you?"

"I like her as well. Seungkwan, I just want to tell you now so you don't find out at a wrong moment or something. (Y/N) and I are dating." He said.

I stopped walking, my heart seeming to stop at the same moment. Soonyoung turned towards me.

"Are you okay?" He asked looking concerned.

No I'm not. How could I be? It's not like I'll stop seeing her, she'll probably be at our dorm sometimes. A lot of thoughts were racing through my mind, I didn't know how to react.

"I'm sorry, I know you're hurt..." Hoshi started.

I didn't let him finish his sentence and started walking fastly towards the supermarket. Hoshi followed me inside. There, I grabbed a couple things to eat and paid for it. Hoshi paid for the rest. We then walked home as silently as we did at the beginning.

When we got to the dorm, I gave the food to the other members and directly went to my shared bedroom. I didn't feel like talking to anyone.

[Hoshi's POV]

"What does Seungkwan have?" Chan asked after Seungkwan had shut the door to his room.

"I told him about... Well actually, (Y/N) and I-" I started.

"We know you two are dating, (Y/N) told us." Hansol said. I looked at her and she nodded to confirm Vernon's statement.

"I told Seungkwan about us." I finished my sentence.

"Oh... then he must be sad because..." Chan started, but he never finished. We all knew what he meant.

We agreed to leave Seungkwan alone for a while, and started eating without him. We kept him some food. After eating we started watching tv. We talked a bit, but atmosphere was heavy and awkward so we would rather not speak too much. Then later, (Y/N) & Hyemi left.

I was getting worried about Seungkwan, he hadn't gotten out of his room since we had been back from the supermarket. I don't want him to steal (Y/N), but he's still my friend and I don't want him to be sad either.

I stood up and went to the kitchen to grab the food that we had kept for him before heading to his room. I knocked on the door, but there was no answer. The door wasn't locked though, so I decided to enter anyway.

Seungkwan was sitting on his bed, looking through the window. His eyes were a little red, but he wasn't crying currently.

"Seungkwan, it's me... I brought you food." I said and sat next to him on the bed.

"I'm not hungry." He replied.

"You have to eat seungkwan, you haven't eaten anything this afternoon." I said and gave him the food. He took it but didn't start eating.

"Seungkwan, I'm really sorry we had to like the same girl. I don't want it to be awkward between us, so I hope you understand that (Y/N) and I like each other. " I said and then waited for any reply. He hummed in response, and after an other moment of silence he talked.

"Funny huh? I just realized today that I liked her, but I also realized I couldn't like her." He said. I stayed silent. He turned towards me.

"I understand. Take good care of her Hosh." He said.

"Thanks." I said. Seungkwan was a good person, I knew he understood.

"I might be sad, but in thruth I'm hungry af." He then said as he took the chopsticks and started eating. I laughed at his comment.

"Oh well. Food is love after all." Seungkwan said.

A/N: Just a little update for you guys~ Hope this wasn't too bad.

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