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[(Y/N)'s POV, A Week Later]

After all of last week's events, life had taken back it's normal course. The weather was slowly becoming warmer as spring was coming to it's end, and summer was to begin shortly.

Without even taking any more than a day of break, Hoshi had resumed his activities with Seventeen. The episode in the Genies' world had happened over a day. As I think back of it, it seemed way longer than it actually was. The 12 boys had obviously questioned where we were throughout the day. The two of us were "nowhere to be found" as they had described it. That day happened to be the 9th of June, one day before Jun's birthday. In consequence, Hoshi and I had 'lied' by saying we went to buy him a gift for his birthday and took the chance to go on a date at the same time. In truth we didn't have a gift, so we secretly agreed to go get him one early in the morning the next day. To execute our plan, we convinced the others to only give Jun's gifts that evening, when we would reunite at the dorm to celebrate his birthday.

It was 8:30 o'clock in the morning when Soonyoung showed up at my house. Though I was not really a morning person, I had forced myself to wake up early. It hadn't been that hard anyway, because I was always excited to see him. He entered as I finished eating breakfast.

"Hey," he greeted me, smiling his cute mochi-smile. He was wearing a mask, though he had pulled it down when entering. He went to sit at the chair next to mine.

"Just a second, I'll go get my bag," I told him before standing up and going back to my room. A few second later I came back in the kitchen with my bag on my shoulder.

"Ready to go?" he asked me and I answered with a 'yep'.

We then left for the mall. Hoshi pulled back his mask over his mouth and nose. On our way, Hoshi held my hand in his and intertwined our fingers.

The mall was quite big, and we didn't know what to buy for Jun. What would Jun like for his birthday...? We wandered around the stores, searching for the perfect gift. We then passed in front of a store with costumes and Hoshi stopped in his tracks. I looked back at him questioningly, and he pointed towards the shop.

"Let's go there."

"Okay," I replied and followed him inside.

Soonyoung searched through the costumes as if looking for something specific.

"What are you looking for?" I asked him. Just as I said that, he took one of the costumes.

"Found it."

He held in his hand a carrot costume.

"A carrot?"

"He's popular these days, so this costume is gonna make him closer to carats." He laughed at his funny idea. I couldn't help but laugh too and nodded my head agreeing to his plan.

"Let's take this. It's gonna be hella funny."

We ended up buying the costume and heading out of the mall. Hoshi walked me back home. We entered my apartment and wrapped the gift together. Then, Hoshi left the gift with me since he had to go to practice with the other members.

"I'll see you later." He smiled and gave me a kiss. My cheeks were still red after he had left.

I looked back at the wrapped gift on the table. I then looked up at the clock on the wall. It read 10:10. I smiled to myself...

[Later That Day]

It was 20:30 when I arrived at Seventeen's dorm. It was Jeonghan who opened the door.

"Oh hi (Y/N). Come in." He smiled and opened the door some more so I could come inside and then closed the door behind me.

"Soonyoung your girlfriend is here!" Jeonghan said loudly.

An excited Soonyoung came running into the entrance. He was all smiley and was giggling.

"(Y/N)!" He gave me a big hug. I kissed his cheek while in the hug and his smile grew wider.

"Hey Hoshi-mochi. Where is the birthday boy?"

At the mention of 'birthday boy' Jun appeared in the entrance.

"Yay the last person is here. We can now start my birthday party~" he smiled and laughed.

"Here." I gave him the gift. "Am I late?"

"Thank you~ And nope ahaha."

We all went to the living room and Hoshi slipped a confetti cannon in my hand. All at once, we threw the confettis in the air while wishing Jun an happy birthday. Jun then proceeded to open his gifts.

When Jun opened Hoshi and I's gift, everyone started laughing. Hoshi told Jun to put it on and we took a picture of him.

"Guess what time it is now?!" Seungkwan excitedly said

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"Guess what time it is now?!" Seungkwan excitedly said.

"10:10!!" Hoshi answered. I laughed at the two fluff balls.

"No Hosh, it's cake time," Seungkwan replied as he playfully hit Hoshi on the arm. We laughed at the two and headed to the kitchen to eat the dessert.

After some more partying, it was already 22:00 o'clock when I decided I should go back home. Mostly since I had work the next day.

Hoshi said he would walk me back home, which is the reason why the both of us where now at the park. Funny how we always ended up there. Anyway, we had decided to stop there for a while before leaving.

"Today was nice," Hoshi stated. He looked into the distance with a smile, as if recalling everything he did today.

"Yeah. I wish everyday would be this happy." I smiled.

"You know what'd make the day even more beautiful?"

"A kiss from my beautiful girlfriend~" he giggled like a kid at his own teasing. I laughed and leaned in towards him before connecting our lips. I smiled into the kiss.

When we separated, Hoshi's cheek were slightly pink.

"Now it's probably the best day."

He lifted up his left wrist and looked at the time on his watch. He then smiled again.

"Hey (Y/N), it's 22:22. Make a wish?"

"I wish to always be with you."

"I will grant your wish," he said as he leaned in for another kiss. From that moment on, I knew nothing would separate us again. Our love had grown strong and wouldn't allow anyone to break us apart. Of that, I was sure.

A/N : Hey guys! Thank you for reading 22:22! This is officially the last chapter of the story. Also, I apologize for not updating earlier, life was in the way... -.-

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