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Warning: cheesy chapter ahead.

[(Y/N)'s POV]

I was just sitting in a cafe, calmly drinking my hot chocolate, when I saw him. I saw him entering the cafe. He noticed me too, but looked away. He went in the line to order. I looked away myself. Why was I being so awkward? We were so friendly that we used to have pillow fights. Even after he forgot everything. When we used to be such good friends, how come now, we're so distant?

I was staring at the marshmallows that were melting in my hot chocolate, when I heard him say:

"Can I sit here?"

I looked up. Hoshi was staring at me with a coffee in his hand. I nodded with a little trying-to-be-friendly smile. He sat in front of me and put his coffee on the table. After a long and awkward silence, which I really couldn't endure, I finally spoke:

"Can we just stop thinking about the relationship and be like before? When we were just friends..?"

He gulped. Was he not expecting what I said? Did he not want to be friends with me? Why would he have said that the other day then..?

"Expect if you don't want to, that is." I added , uneasy.

"No that's not it, I just.. I'm not sure of my feelings."

"I know about that."

"But yes, I'd like to be like before too. I can't stand our awkwardness. Let's not make it awkward shall we?"

"Yes." I smiled and drank a bit of my hot chocolate. I decided to change the subject. My eyes traveled from my hot chocolate to his coffee.

"Do you really like coffee?"

"Well yes, don't you?"

"No, it's too bitter."

"You still have a child's taste." He commented as he chuckledx

"We all know you're the real child here." I replied with a grin.

Our conversation started to be more lively. Our conversation wasn't as monotone anymore, as if seeing each other was a sad event. Now it felt like just two friends hanging out.

Soon after, we left the cafe. He put on his mask and sunglasses, then we headed toward Seventeen's dorm because Hoshi had told me he was supposed to bring coffee to his members.

"What took you so long?" Said Jeonghan right after we entered the house. He then took one of the coffees. Hoshi and I followed him into the living room where the others were.

We all talked together. It was much fun. That was the day Hoshi and I stopped being so awkward.

[A week later, S.Coups's POV]

"Seungcheol! I think Soonyoung's sick." Dino called. Wonwoo and I were both in the entrance, putting our shoes on. We looked at each other confused.

"Just come." Dino added. We followed him into Soonyoung's shared bedroom. He was laying under the covers oh his bed, breathing heavily. I touched his forehead, it was burning.

"He has a fever." I stated, though it was obvious.

"Jisoos Soonyoung, I told you to not overwork yourself." I whispered.

"Sorry hyung.." he said in a weak voice.

I glanced at Wonwoo. The schedule today was pretty packed. What to do?

"We're all busy today, what should we do? We can't leave him alone." I asked Wonwoo for advice.

"We could call (Y/N)" suggested Wonwoo. I thought it over during a second. There didn't seem to be a better option than that.

"You have her number right?" I asked Wonwoo, they were friends since school, I highly doubted he didn't have her in his contacts.

"Yeah" he answered and started a call with her.

[(Y/N)'s POV]

My phone started ringing, I picked it up and saw it was Wonwoo. I answered.

"Hello Wonwoo."

"Hello (Y/N), are you busy today?"


"Soonyoung's sick and everyone else is busy."

"I'm free." I told him, not even thinking twice before answering. Luckily what I said wasn't a lie.

"Great, would you mind taking care of him? He has a big fever."

"Alright, I'll be there in 5."

I hung up. I then put on my shoes and slip my phone in my pocket before heading out.


I knocked on the door, it was Jun that answered.

"Ah (Y/N)! Soonyoung's in his room." He said as he opened the door more wide for me to enter. I walked in and headed toward Hoshi's room. S.coups was standing there.

"Hi (Y/N), sorry we really have to leave now, thank you for taking care of him. " The leader told me, with that the group left for their daily schedule.

I noticed there was already a bucket of cold water next to the bed. Hoshi also had a wet towel on his forehead. I brought a chair close to him and sat on it. His eyes were closed. It looked as if he was asleep. My heart was beating fast. I went to move his hair out of his face. I then started caressing his hair gently. Many thoughts were coming to me about how I still loved him.

After a while I took off the towel and soaked it in the cold water and put it back on his forehead. Soon, he opened his eyes.

"(Y/N)." He whispered. His voice sounded a bit dry.

"Wait I'll go get you a glass of water." I went back to the kitchen to get some water then came back and gave it to him. He sat up in the bed and drank it.

"Are you feeling any better?" I asked him.

"Yes, thanks to you." He said. I removed the towel and touched his forehead.

"You still have a bit of fever though you should rest."  I replied.

"How did you even catch such a fever..." I then whispered.

"We had a performance outside just yesterday and I decided to practice there during a couple hours before we performed..."

"That was not a very responsible choice of yours you know."

"Yes, but I wanted to make sure the performance would be great so the fans would really enjoy it." He smiled lightly. I knew how much he cared about the quality of his performance. That was all for the fans. He had such a kind heart after all.

"Alright, but next time tell me if you have a performance outside in such cold weather, I'll bring you a coffee during your break." I smiled.

His face went slightly red. I laughed internally.

"Jeez your fever is starting again. Go to sleep."

"(Y/N)... thank you." He layed down and pulled the covers over himself.

22:22 | Hoshi Where stories live. Discover now