Chapter Four

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[maybe edited. and man, I'm currently in a super shit-tastic mood. so I can finally get more chapters done while being down, rather than trying to down upset when I'm happy. if that makes any sense. hope you enjoy]

When I reached school the next day, I was instantly greeted by Mark. His cheerful smile and bright red hair was all I had seen the whole day. First walking into school, he decided that I was suddenly his top priority.

I told him I normally hung out in the bathroom, so we did. Well, it was more of him ranting about how he hated how the cafeteria stopped selling toast in the morning while I sat on the sink listening. Now, if a normal person sat on the sink, it would break. But from what my scale says, I'm as light as a feather.

I don't feel like it though.

"So, No Name. Tell me about yourself. Like, what is your name?" he asked me, finally stopping the never-ending rant about toast.

I looked over at him, my green hair still covering my eyes. My hair is always blocking my face, I position it that was so people don't see me or my face. The hood helps a lot with it as well.

I placed my hands into my hoodies pockets and leaned against the mirror. "It's not important. You shouldn't be wasting your time talking to me."

He looked upset at my words, which he shouldn't be. "Well, you promised me that we would be friends. And it might not be this way to you, but I think friends should know each other's names. Because, you know, it's helpful."

I closed my eyes, knowing he was correct. But after all these years of never once having someone be there for me, to care for me, I've never been able to trust anybody. Mark is the only person who has ever talked to me nicely, without being forced to. He did it because he wanted to.

I sighed and mumbled, "Sean." He didn't seem to hear me, since I mumbled it, so he made a hum in confusion. I coughed slightly and said, "It's Sean." I looked up through my green hair and made eye contact with him.

He had a smile on his face, his eyes squinting a bit from how happy he was. I wish I had felt that happy once. He looked like he was having the time of his life.

"Nice. That's a really nice name. I like that." My face heated up with a blush, and I looked away from his eyes. Nobody had said that about my name.

In my eyes, my name was a curse. My parents gave me it. "Yeah. Sometimes I go by Jack, though."

"Oh. Okay, I guess. Can I call you Sean though? I like that more." I heard the frown in his voice, and I hated feeling as if I made him upset. I nodded at him. "Okay, thank you. How about we get to class?"

I sighed, dreading the idea. Sadly, I slid off the sink and picked my bag up from by my feet. "Actually, how about we don't?" I looked up at him. He has a mischievous grin plastered on his face that indicated he wanted to do something bad, possibly dangerous. "How about we skip school? I mean, we don't have to, I just think it would be fun. We could hang out, go to a park or something."

I stared at him. I cocked my head to the side ever so slightly, squinting my eyes at his idea. Skipping school? How had I never thought of that?

Sure, there's many risks. And I had a perfect record, but skipping school seems... thrilling. Fun and exciting. I had never done anything like that before, I've only ever stayed in an everlasting loop of a daily routine. Wake up, go to school, go home, make dinner, try to survive, sleep, repeat. Never had I done anything exciting.

And now, maybe I should.

A smile crept it's way on to my lips, the first smile I have ever made. I let out a small breath. "Yeah. Let's do that."

He smiled at me and held his hand out for me to take. I looked at it, not even hesitating to grab it.

He pulled me out of the bathroom and we snuck our way out of the school building. Once we were in the parking lot, he looked at me. "Do you have a car?" I shook my head embarrassingly. "Okay, we'll take mine. I'm warning you though, it's a chick magnet," he said with a wink. I smiled again.

I was enjoying this feeling. Smiles on my face, a bubble of an unfamiliar emotion in my chest. Happiness. I was feeling happy. I was feeling alive. I was feeling human.

When we reached his car, he looked at me with a red face, obvious from embarrassment. I looked over at the car and stared.

It was a rusty old black car, an unknown brand from the amount of wear and use it had in it. The paint was chipped in some places, and it was rusted to the point to where it should of fallen apart already. The front fender was rusted all over and was crooked.

I felt my smile widen and I suddenly burst into fits of laughter. My sides ached from my bruises and possibly broken bones, but I ignored the pain. I had never laughed in my whole life. And man, did it feel amazing.

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