Chapter Eleven

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Thankfully, today was a weekend. Which meant I didn't have to go to school. Despite the fact that Mark had been there, preventing anything bad from happening, I still feared it.

Nobody talking to me besides Mark. Everybody gave me weird looks when they saw him walking next to me. I get why, though. I'm a nobody, I'm unimportant. He's a somebody who is important. No-one, including me, understands why he talks to me.

It made no sense, but as much as I want to contemplate why my life suddenly started going uphill a bit, I can't. I know I can't.

Suddenly, a body stirred next to me, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked over to see Mark, his eyes closed and mouth, per usual, slightly agape with soft snores leaving his mouth. I couldn't get tired of seeing how relaxing and peaceful he was when sleeping.

I shifted softly so I was facing him. It's creepy to stare, I'm aware, but something about Mark just made me want to stare. He was absolutely stunning.

His beauty was admirable. So, I just laid there and stared. For what seems like hours. I didn't intend to, it just seemed to happen.

When his eyes fluttered open and landed on me, I felt myself smile at him. He looked at me for a second before smiling back.

Happiness. Is this the feeling? I can't tell, but whatever it is, I'm enjoying it.

His hand reached and felt around before it landed on mine, which he then intertwined his fingers with mine. "Good morning," he said in a low, gravely voice.

My heart seemed to skip a beat at the sound of his voice. It was different in the morning, much different. It was nice. "Morning," I whispered out.

He smiled a bit wider and closed his eyes again. If this is what my new everyday routine is, I wouldn't mind. I'd actually quite enjoy it.

"Sean, do you enjoy staring at me?" he said in a playful tone, laughing afterwards. My face went bright red as he opened his eyes to look at me. "You're adorable," he said before closing his eyes once again. "Sorry, but it's true."

I felt my face burn even more red and I pulled the blanket up to cover my face. How could he find this adorable? I mean, my face is bruised and cut, he couldn't see my actual face. But he found me adorable? Crazy.

"Mark," I said in a whisper. He opened his eyes and I moved the blanket away from my face. "I'm glad I met you. I'm sorry I'm a train-wreck, but thank you for being the only person to clean up the mess."

He smiled and grabbed onto my waist, pulling me against him. Placing his head in the curve on my neck and intertwining our legs together, he spoke. "Don't thank me Sean. I didn't do anything but he your friend. Everybody should have at least one friend. And you're not a train-wreck, okay? You're just in a rough patch of your life, but I promise you it'll get better okie?"

I smiled and snaked my arms around his neck. "Thank you.... I needed that."

"Okay, Sean. What's something you enjoy doing?" Mark asked me.

It had been an hour or two since we first woke up. Since then, we had basically just sat up and began watching a movie in his room. But now that the movie was finished, we had nothing to do.

"I... I don't know. I don't do much. I like cooking, I used to have to cook for my parents everyday so they'd be a bit happier. I, uh, I kind of like reading. What about you?" I asked curiously, grabbing a chip and breaking it into tiny pieces before eating one of the pieces.

"I like hanging out with people. I enjoy hanging out with you. I hate sports, honestly. Can't grow a ball for shit— sorry, I didn't mean to cuss. I enjoy playing video games, though. I enjoy that a lot."

I smiled a bit. He had a good life, I enjoyed that. He sounds like any other normal teenager. And then there's me. Cooking because I didn't want to be beat. Reading because that's all I could do, since I didn't have friends. Until now, that is.

A question suddenly popped into my head. "Mark, do your parents know I'm here?"

He nodded. "Yeah. When I was on my way to get you yesterday, I called my Mom to ask if it was okay. I explained everything that happened, and she said it was completely fine. Trust me, you're welcome here."

I smiled. I'm actually welcomed somewhere. "Thank you. So much."

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