Chapter Sixteen

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[Hey guys! Sooo.... heh... I'll see you in the next book .-. and question for you guys. Instagram made a love story option, and I was wondering if you wanted me to go live, and since this book just finished we could talk about it and stuff? .-. probably not, but we can if you humans want to :))) I hope you enjoy this chapter, and this book!]

It had been a few weeks after the small accident happened in the bathroom. Mark hadn't left me alone since that day. When I would shower, he would sit in the bathroom on the counter talking to me. When he showered, I had to sit on the counter till he finished.

The only time I was allowed without him was during school, when we had our separate classes. It was annoying for the first couple of days, but I began enjoying the company more than I expected.

Mark and I were currently laying in bed, him rubbing my back up and down. The blankets were draped over our legs, which were intertwined. My head was buried in his chest, his head resting in top of mine.

"You know, if someone told me two months or so ago, that I would be laying in bed with the mysterious hooded kid, I wouldn't of only slightly believed them." I removed my head from his chest and leaned back to look at him. His eyes opened and he smiles when he looked at me.

"Why would you believe that?" I asked, furrowing my brows at him.

Mark and I had gotten closer, of course. He would share random facts about what he thinks all the time. About how he got a 99% on a test because he didn't circle the problems, but rather put triangles because he thought the teacher was a part of the Illuminati. How he hated being considered the most popular guy in school because everybody knows everything about him. How he thought green hair was awesome. He would tell me things he viewed about me, like how he loves my blue eyes and wishes I had more weight on me.

"Because. I had seen you around, especially in some of our classes. I wanted to get to know you, you seemed interesting. I'm glad I got to meet you. So, if someone told me that, I wouldn't of completely doubted them. Maybe about the laying in bed part, by knowing you? No. I was going to make you love me, you just didn't know it yet," he said with a smile, leaning forward to place his forehead against mine.

I laughed. I had been getting better, I know I had been. And I was actually liking it. I liked the feeling of being happy. I liked the feeling of having more energy. I liked the feeling of being loved.

Mark made me feel loved.

I had also made a new friend. Lucy, or as she says, 'My mom told me it's short for Lucifer. And that my sister, Satie, is short for Satan.' (a.n. my best friend has a snake named Satie short for Satan, just felt like sharing.) She was probably the strangest person in our school, with bright purple hair that was super short, highly arched purple eyebrows, and she wore things that children would probably wear. Hello Kitty shirts, pink skirts and knee-high baby blue socks. She was a strange person, but something between us clicked. We became close friends after just one day of talking.

Life was getting better, I know it was and I was so thankful for it. Life was something I didn't enjoy for the longest time. I didn't think it would get better, I thought it would just get worse. But I didn't expect that just one person could make me realise how precious life is, and how it does get better.

"Well, I'm glad you came into my life. And I do love you, a lot. You are pretty great," I said with a laugh. He smiled and leaned in to kiss me. I smiled against his lips.

Mark's the reason why I regret doing so much to myself.

He's the reason why I regret not eating.

He's the reason why I regret cutting.

He's the reason why I regret wanting to end my life.

He's the reason why I'm thankful I didn't end my life.

He's the reason why I'm thankful for my life.

He's the reason why I am alive.


The End

eeeeeeh. I finished the boooooook!

I really really reeaaallllllyyyy hope you enjoyed this book. I'm sorry it wasn't happy at times but hey, life isn't always gum drops and lollipops. it has it's ups and downs. but I promise you, life does get better, okay? someone out there cares about you, I care about all of you guys. please don't forget that.

I hope you enjoyed the book :) I'll see you guys in the next book.

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