Chapter Ten

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[everybody is so pissy about the election results but they don't know the facts?? smh. anyway, new chapter. hope you enjoy! possibly edited who knows, I've been busy. I have two tests tomorrow and my science project has to be set up properly so it works and ughhh kms.]

When I woke up, I had a bowl of noodles next me on the bedside table. Sitting up, I looked around the room until my eyes landed on Mark, who was sitting in a chair in the corner of his room.

From how he was sitting, he was clearly asleep. His eyes were closed and mouth slightly agape, and I'm sure soft snores were coming out. I smiled a bit.

Crawling off the bed, I picked up the bowl f noodles and began to walk out of the room, until j heard Mark stop me. "Sean, unless that bowl is empty and you're going back for seconds, you're not leaving this room." I turned around slightly are looked at him. He was walking over to me, an unreadable expression. "Come here, I want you to eat at least some. Please, Sean. You need to eat, you're way too skinny as it is."

I stated at him for a second. He cocked his head over towards the bed, and gently grabbed onto my wrist, pulling me over towards the bed. He sat me down and then sat next to me.

"Sean, eat at least one bite. Please, you know you want to, you just think you don't need to. But I'm serious when I say that if you don't eat anything soon, you're going to die. And I don't want that to happen, especially when I know I can prevent it. So please, Sean, take at least one bite."

I looked away from him and down towards the bowl of noodles. A small amount of steam was coming off the top it, and it honestly smelled good. But I don't need it. I can't. I want it, but I can't.

Yet Mark wouldn't let me do anything unless I ate a bite. One bite. It couldn't hurt, and if anything, I could just throw it up later...

Hesitantly, I brought a forkful up to my mouth and slowly began to eat it. It was good, the first hot meal I've had in years. Once I swallowed it, I looked over at Mark, who had a smile on his face.

"Thank you. I'm really glad you did that," he said gently. "Do you want any more or are you done?"

I looked back at the bowl. I didn't need more. I know I didn't. But my stomach growled and ached desperately, craving for more food.

I'll just throw it up later.

I took another bite, and another. And another. And soon enough, the bowl was empty.

I stared at my hands, letting what just happened sink in. What is wrong with me? I shouldn't of ate. I really should not have.

Mark took the bowl from my hands and set it by his feet. Wrapping his arms around me, he rubbed my back gently. "Thank you. Sean, I'm glad you ate. I know it was tough for you, but you need to understand that eating isn't going to hurt you or make you fat. You're far too skinny to be fat. Now, how about you get some more sleep? It's late, I'm going to wash your bowl and then head to bed as well, okay?"

I nodded slightly. Mark was effecting me in so many ways in just a few days, I don't know whether I should be glad all this is happening or not.

Mark got up and left the room, my bowl in his hands. Crawling back into his bed, I got under the covers and closed my eyes, trying to ignore the fact of all I had just done.

It was nearly midnight when I woke up. I didn't know why I did, but I wasn't upset about it. It gave me the perfect opportunity.

I rolled over slowly and gently in the bed, not to wake up Mark, who was passed out next to me. Soft snores escaped his lips, and a very small smile formed on my lips.

As I started to sit up and get out of bed, I felt something grab my wrist. Mark suddenly pulled me back down into bed, right next to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me flush against him.

"Sean, you're not going anywhere. If you have to pee, then fine. But if you're going into the bathroom to throw up your dinner, then it's not happening. Your body is beautiful the way it is, you need food." He buried his head in my neck.

I couldn't wiggle out of his grasp, no matter how hard I tried. He wouldn't let me go.

"Mark, I just need to pee," I said, my voice cracking slightly at the lie. Great.

Mark shook his head. "Not happening. Go back to sleep. Enjoy the food, Sean. Your body is stunning the way it is. You're not fat. Okay?"

I stared up at the darkness of the ceiling. How come Mark had to step into my life all of a sudden? When I feel at the peak of my death, when I had wished to be dead everyday.

But now... Those everlasting death wishes of thoughts I had... They've seemed to fade off a bit. Mark's so nice, he's caring and encouraging and as much as I hate my body, he makes me like it. Barely, just barely like it. But it's the most I've ever liked it.

And once again, somehow, I began crying. Mark lifted his head out of my shoulder and leaned over to turn a lamp on. His worried expression made me cry even harder.

My body shaking and aching, I'm practically gasping for air as I couldn't seem to find any. Mark pulled me up to where I was sitting, and pulled me into his arms. He rocked us back and forth for a bit, in a gentle rhythm.

I hate myself, everybody hates me. Yet how is it that someone like Mark, who is caring and amazing, suddenly likes me? Not in a romantic way, but in general? He puts up with me, let's me cry into his shirt. Saves me from my broken family.

How can someone like him care about someone like me? I'm broken, I'm a freak, I'm a lost cause. He has a life to look forward to, he has a caring family and tons of friends. Yet, he saves me and treats me like I'm something.

I looked up at him after I calmed down a bit. He looked at me, his adorable brown eyes holding a state of worry and sadness.

"Sean, I am so sorry that you have gone through so much. Nobody should ever be beaten. Whether it's by people at school or their own parents. Nobody should ever go through it. It's broken you, I know it has. I want to help but I don't know if I can. You have an amazing heart, you have just never been able to show it. And you think that you're fat, and, and you think that you're ugly. None of those are true. Nobody has told you that though. Sean, I want to help—"

I leaned forward and gently placed my lips onto his. I had never kissed anybody, I didn't think I would ever kiss anybody. But I did. And he's probably going to hate me for doing it.

He was frozen for a second, but he suddenly seemed to deepen the kiss. But I pulled away, worried that he would be angry. "I'm sorry. I'm a fuck up, I shouldn't of done that. It was stupid, I just met you. You shouldn't even be talking to me, I'm a lost cause. You probably hate me now. Fuck. I'm sorry. I wasted your time, I didn't mean to—"

"Sean," he whispered. I steadied my breathing. "I don't hate you. You're not a fuck up. You're not wasting my time. Do not apologise for anything. It's fine, I'm not mad." He pulled me to where I was laying down on top of him, his arms around me. "I'm going to help you. You can refuse it all you want, but I will help. I know you can never really help someone with depression or anything like that, but I can try. You can always try."

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