2 | Don't Talk About Harry Potter At A Party

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Luna and I arrived at the unknown house that the party is at. It was most likely not safe to walk into an unsupervised house full of drunk teens running around like children in a candy store, not knowing who's house it is. "Who's house is this?" I glanced at Luna. "India's." She smiled.

     India Brookes: co-cheer captain and Justin's girlfriend.

"Okay." I sighed. "Don't worry, Dais. If you need anything, just tell me. My first party was crazy." She said. "An eighth grade party was 'crazy'?" I chuckled. "Crazy at the time." She rolled her eyes as she walked out of the car. She opens the passenger door, "Come on, Dais." She whined. "I'll be just fine here." I said. "Don't make me call you by your middle name." I jumped out of the car and almost tripped over a pebble. Yes, a pebble. We walked up the cement stairs to the front door, passing the fancy cars. The house was gated but open: dumb and drunk teenagers. "Don't those heels hurt?" I looked down at Luna's five inch heels. "Nope. I'm used to it." She smirked as she knocked on the door. Seconds later, India opened up the door with a smile on her face and a red cup filled with an unknown liquid in her hand. "Hey Luna!" She said a bit too excited, bringing Luna in for a hug. Luna squealed and hugged back. India lets go and looked at my outfit for a good three seconds. She smiled, "Hey Daisy!" She embraced me in an overwhelming bear hug. "Hi India." I smiled, hugging back, being the polite person I am. India lets go and invites us in.

The repulsive scent of alcohol and marijuana fill my nose and rap music fill my ears. "Do you guys want drinks?" India yelled through the blaring music. "Yes." Luna flipped her long black hair over her shoulder. "No. But thank you." I smiled, hugging myself, being genuinely scared of being pushed around because of how small I am. "Dais, get a drink." Luna whispered. "No. It's most likely alcohol." I rolled my eyes. "Fine." She groans as India walked into the sea of drunk teens. I sighed, releasing my grip on my arms. Luna and I walked to den area by the front door. It's a narrow short hallway, there was a couch and coffee table full of solo cups. I glanced at the band posters on the wall. "Luna! You didn't tell me you're coming." A male voice shouted. I turned around, Justin. He always shows up at the most random times. "Woah. Dais." His eyes widen while putting his arm around Luna. "What are you doing here? I've never seen you at a party before." He laughed, making my face burn. "I finally got her to go to a party." Luna rolled her eyes playfully. "Welcome to the club." He put his hand out. Me being my confused self, my hands were glued to my thighs, not knowing why his hand is out. He ran the hand that was out through his hair, trying to be slick. I let out a chuckle. "Well I'm going to get India." He takes his arm off of Luna. "Nice seeing you two again." He added and walked into the sea of drunk teens. "Tell India to hurry up with my drink!" Luna yelled. Justin threw up a thumbs up. "You were supposed to shake his hand, Dais." Luna looked over to me. "How was I supposed to know?" I asked. She sighed then smiled. "You have so much to learn, my Daisy." she smiled, making my eyes roll.

      "Do they have any water here? Actual teen-friendly drinks?" I whispered to Luna, who was being quite flirtatious with Cole. "What?" Her eyebrows scrunch. "I'm going to the kitchen." I said. "Wait why?" Her eyes widen. "I'm getting something to drink." I uttered. "Don't get too drunk!" She grinned and held up her red cup filled with a clear liquid and a suspicious looking lime. "Yeah. Sure."

I made my way to the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and there was probably about twenty bottles of water. I overheard a cheerleader talking about her breakup with ex-boyfriend from "out of town". But the truth was, she hasn't had one since freshman year. She is more of the hit-it-and-quit type of gal. That's the beauty of hanging with the 'populars'. You get to know every dirty secret about everyone.

I grabbed a water bottle, opened the cap, and drank the freezing water. I didn't even notice how dry my throat was. "What's up Daisy?" A male voice said, making me choke on my water. I turned around and in front of me was a very tall jock. Kinda looked like the one from freshman year—the one that had chemicals splattered all over him. But let's be real, all jocks look the same. "Hi?" I furrowed my eyebrows because, why would a jock be talking to me? "I just wanted to come over here and tell you, you look hot." He smirked. I started feeling uncomfortable and crossed my arms. "Uh. . . Thanks? I like. . . Your, uh, shirt." I took a sip of my water. "What do you like to do in bed?" He moved closer to me. "I like to read, watch Star Wars, and draw in my journal." I smiled. I love annoying the jocks. He rolled his eyes then continued the infamous smirk on every boys face in this house that I just want to smack right off. "Wanna come on and join me on a date?" He asked. I looked behind him and his friends are making googly eyes at him: I hate high school boys. "Use better grammar. Later buddy." I sipped on my water and walked away. That went very well. Gee, I love being shady, especially to shady guys only looking for sex and not something real.

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