15 | Homecoming: Part Two

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"Ow!" I jerked my head back as Luna almost stabbed my eye with an eyeliner pen.
"Stop being a baby." She rolled her eyes and finished her makeup on me.
"Finally." I breathed out. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror.
"You look perfect, Daisy."
"Yes. You do. Justin will also know that you look perfect."

     Poppy gave me a beautiful purple mermaid fitting dress for Homecoming. She got it at a thrift store and wore it to prom. It surprisingly fit me perfectly. I didn't think it would considering how tall Poppy is. But she did wear it as a midi dress.

"Don't be nervous, Dais. I'll meet you there and I'll be with you the whole time."
"No, Lun. You don't have too. You shouldn't experience our last homecoming babysitting me. Have fun, and I will too."
"Okay." She smiled.
My phone vibrated. I looked at my screen and smiled, "Justin's at the door. We got to go take pictures."
"Remember, if you need anything, call me. I'm not going to be drinking tonight so don't worry about that, okay?"
"Okay." We grabbed our things and walked downstairs.
"Thank you. Now let's go take pictures."
"Do I have to answer the door?"
"Fine." My eyes rolled playfully. I opened the door to Justin and Luna's date, Isaiah.
"Hi, come in." I smiled and opened the door wider.
"Hi Isaiah." I smiled and he waved politely and walked to Luna. Justin faced me.
"You look. . . Elegant."
"Elegant?" I giggled.
"Yeah." He laughed.
"You look, divine."
He smiled.
"Okay! Okay! Rose and I are finally down here!" Poppy yelled as they ran downstairs.
"Daisy, you look beautiful." Rose smiled and hugged my head.
I laughed, "Thanks."

We made it to Homecoming. There wasn't even a line to get in, considering we did come an hour late with the pictures my sister wanted to take.
     Luna went to dance with Isaiah, leaving Justin and I alone.

     We stood in silence for a few seconds before I couldn't breathe from the anxiety running through my body, "So, um, dancing has never been my thing. I don't even know why I'm here."
     "You danced at my cabin. You're not an expert, but who is an expert?"
     I looked at Luna, who was grinding all over Isaiah, "The brave ones."
     "You are brave."
     "Do you think I'm going to dance like that?"
     "No. I'm not even comfortable with that."
     "Then how? All of the couples here are dancing like that. We'd look stupid."
     "So were a couple now?" He smirked. My face reddened.
     "N-no, I was just justifying that we're here together and a couple means two so, yeah." I said quickly.
     He smiled, "Okay. Well, um, what do—" His smile dropped. He was looking at something behind me.
     "What?" I turned around and saw India with the frat boy that tried to hit on me. She was smiling whilst walking to a table with cheerleaders and their dates. I turned back to Justin, "What's wrong?"
     "Nothing. I, um, just never saw her look that happy before."
     "But who cares, right? I'm here with you and I'm having a great time standing here. With you." He smiled.

I was a little weirded out by him. Was he still not over India? She did cheat on him. And she's here with the guy she cheated on him with, so I would be pretty upset too if I were him.


     "Can I talk to Daisy alone?" Justin whispered to Luna.
     "Oh yeah. Sure."
     "Okay," He ran to me, "Let's go in the car, alright?"
     "You're not very good at whispering." I said as I buckled my seatbelt.
     "So I've been told."
     I cleared my throat, "So, uh, what'd you want to talk about?"
     "I, uh, since we're, um. . . I started that off wrong, I'm sorry."
     I chuckled, "It's okay."
     "Do you, maybe want to go on a date with me?"
     "I, um, sure. I'd love to."
     "You would?"
     "Yeah," I paused, "But, um, you seemed pretty bothered about India and the frat boy."
     "Oh no, I'm not."
     "You don't seem like it."
     "I'm not."
     "You can tell me, you know?"
     "There's nothing to tell."
     "Well, I can tell when you're lying."
     He sighed, "I liked being with India."
     "Oh well, do you want to be with her now?"
     "Hell no. She obviously wasn't the one for me. I liked being with her because I was in love with her. I fall in love very, very easily. She was never in love with me. She never even loved me. She was pretending for school. The parties. The meetings with families."
     "She loves highschool. I don't even know why. It's not all that, you know?"
     "She likes the popularity."
     "Hell yeah she does."
     "She also feels the need to have a boyfriend."
     "Mhm." He nodded.
     "Do you feel the need to have a girlfriend?"
     "No. I just fall in love too easily."
     "I fall in love hardly."
     "Have you ever been in love?"
"If you count 95' Leonardo DiCaprio."
He laughed.
"What's being in love feel like?"
He paused, "Your heart drops when you see them. You feel so happy when you're with them. Like all of your worries go away. And you feel so vulnerable around them. You can spill your heart out to them. And if they feel the same way about you, it's the other way around."
     I nodded, not really understanding.
     "I think I should get those two home." He pointed to Luna and Isaiah making out against a car. I laughed.
     "Yeah, we should," I opened the car door, "Luna!"
     They quickly disconnected their lips and looked to me, "What, Daisy?" Luna slouched.
     "You want to go home now?"
     She smirked at Isaiah then looked at me, "Yes." I rolled my eyes and got back into the car.

After we dropped Luna and Isaiah off at her house, we finally made it to my house. I also brought my key for the first time in who knows how long.
"How was your night?" Poppy quickly stood up and walked to Justin and I.
"Good. Now, we'll be upstairs, if you—"
"You're not going to tell me what happened?"
"In the morning, Poppy. When Rose is here."
"Fine." She huffed.
I rolled my eyes and Justin and I ran upstairs to my room. Right when I shut the door, Justin spun me around and connected our lips. I laughed, making him brake our kiss.
"Sorry, I've just been waiting to do that."
"I told you to give me a warning."
"You didn't give me one when Poppy walked in on us."
"Oh God." My face reddened and I hid my face with my hand. "I'm going to take a shower." I uncovered my face and grabbed clothes to change in.

     When I got out of the shower and changed, Justin was laying on my bed watching TV. I saw that his jacket, tie, and belt was in his hands. Leaving him in his white dress shirt with a few buttons undone and blacks pants.
     "I have to get going. My mom wants to know everything." Justin rolled his eyes.
     "Poppy does too." I laughed.
     "I had a great time with you tonight."
     "So did I." I didn't know why, but I couldn't stop smiling. Neither could he.
     "Um, I'll text you about that date."
     "Okay." I nodded.
     "Can I kiss you?"
     I nodded once more, still grinning. He laughed and placed his lips onto mine. I was glad he gave me a warning. I felt so happy in this moment. All of my worries went away. All I could focus on was Justin.

     We pulled away, "Goodnight, Dais."
     "Goodnight, Justin."

I hope you liked chapter 15💛 sorry I haven't updated! I've been wanting to edit this story for awhile now and I finally did:) it's now in past tense!

Tell me what you think♥️

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