8 | Daisies With Smiley Faces

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     I stared at the amount of snot filled tissues I have sprawled about on my bed. I coughed and slowly got out of my comfy, warm bed and walked lazily downstairs. "Here's your soup." Rose put a steamy chicken noodle soup in front me. "Thanks." I muttered. "Can you tell your immune system to toughen up?" Poppy flipped threw her textbook, eating chips. I turned around, "It's flu season, Poppy. People are bound to get sick." I slurped a spoonful of soup in my mouth. She got up, "I better stay away from you then." She walked by and smirked. "I had a test today." I pout. "On a Friday?" Rose poured creamer in her coffee. "Well, you'll make it up on Monday," Rose grabbed her bag and keys, "I have to go to work now," She sighed. "Bye Dais," She hugged me, "Bye Poppy." She hugged Poppy. "Take care of Daisy, Poppy!" Rose yelled whilst walking out the door. "I will!" Poppy yelled. The door shut, leaving me with Poppy. I got my soup and started heading for the stairs, "I'll be better if I take care of myself." I muttered and pursed my lips. "You don't mean that." Poppy said. I ignored her and went to my room. I set the chicken noodle soup on my nightstand, I got comfortable in bed, ready to get back to the pile of homework on my bed. Gosh, I hate homework. I'm just trying to make it through high school and graduate so I can get on with my life. Even though I'm not even sure if I want to go to college. I mean, more school after the worst years of your life? And paying for it? I don't know yet. We're not the richest people. We have no family to help us besides our grandma. But we haven't seen her since I was about five or six. Rose barely made it through community college. Poppy is in a lot of debt right now. They don't think I know about it but I always hear them talk about money problems.
     Rose is an interior designer. Poppy works at a restaurant as a waitress. I don't work, they say I don't have too, but I want to. They've given me so much my whole life. They practically raised themselves and me. I can't even explain my gratitude. I want to start looking for a job but who wants a seventeen year old with no experience?

     Since I know absolutely nothing about math and cannot focus, I decided to watch a movie.   
     My phone buzzed, it's Luna. The text read, "Sorry I won't be making it for our sleepover, I have a date with Isaiah! I'll be there next weekend I promise!" Of course she chose a boy over me. "Well I'm glad you're not messing with Cole." I sent and threw my phone at the end of my bed. I had nothing to do tonight. Like usual. As much as I hated those two parties I went to, I did like the adrenaline I had of walking around a strangers house with other strangers and staying out past midnight. I don't even have a curfew. My sisters literally wanted me to break rules. But I didn't really see the point, then again I do love the adrenaline.

     Well, I did basically sneak out with a boy. I didn't even tell Rose and Poppy. Not even Luna because I know that she'll tell them.
     There was a knock on the door, the door opened, and Poppy walked in with a spoon in one hand and the nastiest liquid medicine ever in the other. "Do I really have to drink that?" I whined. "Yes, your fever is 102.3. And your coughs have been waking me up now take it." Poppy said, handing me the spoon and medicine. I sighed and grabbed them. I opened the cap, poured some into the spoon, and drunk it. I made a nasty face and down the water on my nightstand while she laughed. "I hate my immune system." I groaned. "Well," Poppy stood up, "Rose is making dinner when she comes home around 6:00." She added, walking out the door.

     As I was eating my spaghetti, I heard a noise at my window. This better not be a murderer because I'm too sick to even walk, let alone run.  I continued eating my noodles, if anything happened, then that's what the universe wanted. Thump! Thump! I groaned, threw my blankets off, took my noodles, and saw what's the noise. I don't see anything, I turned on the light outside my window, I saw Justin on his balcony, sitting on a chair. He waved to me. What the hell does he want?
I opened my window, "Can you stop throwing things at my window?" I sniffled.
     "It's a fun way to get your attention."
"You have my number." I reminded him.
He shrugged and put a grape into his mouth.
"You're throwing grapes now?"
He laughed.
"So what'd you want? Not to be rude." My face reddened.
He giggled, "Why weren't you at school today?"
"Sick," I sniffled, "Luna bailed on me for a boy tonight."
"That sucks."
     I nodded.
"Well, you have company right here." He smirked and pointed to himself.
I giggled.
"Can I ask you something? Don't get mad."
"Go ahead." I coughed.
"You're so quiet, why is that?"
My eyes rolled.
"I'm just curious. Don't get mad please."
"You know I've always been quiet. I don't know how I'm friends with the cheerleaders and shit. I get along with no one in that friend group, that's why I'm so shy I guess."
"Have you had your first kiss?"
"No." I mumbled.
"Not even a peck?"
I shook my head, "Can we not talk about dating?"
"Oh, sure. Sorry."
"It's fine. Any more questions you have for me?"
"You seem to hate your middle name, may I ask why?"
I sighed, "It's literally a color. Why couldn't my mom think of something common like nicole or something?"
"I think Lilac is pretty."
"Thanks, I guess." I said, shyly.
"All of your sisters names are pretty."
"We're all names of flowers."
"Was your mom creative?"
"Nope. Just fucking insane."
He nodded, "Are you going to school Monday?"
"We had a test in English today," He got up from his chair, "You were worried all day about it, huh?"
My face heated up, "Yeah."
"It wasn't hard. Goodnight Daisy. I hope you feel better."
"Night Justin, and thanks."
He got up, entered his bedroom, and closed the window and black curtains.

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