13 | Sharing The Same Breathe, Again

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To me, all of my sisters name have a special meaning to me. Ever since I knew what a flower was, I made up meanings for the names of my sisters.

The color white represents innocence, purity, and wholeness. It is the color of new beginnings. It is a blank canvas, waiting to be written on. I feel like the petals on the daisies represent the innocence and purity in me. The color yellow represents fun, enthusiasm, and honor. Yellow is actually my favorite color. It's all of the things I would love to be: Fun. Enthusiastic. And honorable. I am a few things that yellow represents. Like happy, optimistic, and grateful. The yellow disk inside the petals represents the happiness and gratitude in me.

Poppies symbolize beauty, peace, and recovery. When my parents left us, Poppy was the most hurt one out of all of us. She stopped talking to Rose and I. She stopped going to school. She went to home school during her depression. It was hard seeing my sister so sad. And I would barely see her since we were separated. She was always the one to make us smile. Then, Poppy recovered once we were all together again. It took awhile but she's happy now. She is her cheerful self that is truly the life of the party.

Roses symbolize love, passion, and maturity. Obviously, Rose is the oldest of our family. Rose is like Poppy and I's mother figure. She's always been. When my parents left, she immediately took charge of us. But it didn't last very long. She was only a teenager. Rose always kept a strong smile on her face and always made sure we were as happy as we could be at the time. Rose loves us more than anything and I know she'll do anything for us.

I glanced at that daisy Justin gave me.

Innocence. Purity. And wholeness.

     "Luna is here!" Poppy yelled from downstairs. I opened the bathroom door and walked downstairs. "Rose and I won't be here until around one in the morning," Poppy opened the door, "Be safe. Don't have a party, Luna." She glared at Luna. I laughed while I put my hair in a low bun.
     "I won't." Luna put her arms up in defense.
     Poppy smiles, "Bye."
     "Bye." Luna and I said in unison.
     The door shut and Luna turned to me, "It's five thirty at night. What are we going to do?"
     "Well, first Justin isn't actually dating Em."
     Her mouth dropped, "What?!"
     "They're fake dating to get India jealous. I'm assuming he didn't want to tell you because you would probably tell everyone and he wants it to be believable." I shrugged as I walked into the kitchen.
     "So what does Justin do at my house then?"
     "Ever think about how he might be actually helping Em with math? Justin is really good at math and Em's grade is horrible."
     "Right. When did he tell you this?"
"Oh. He came over yesterday." I felt my face burn.
"He came over just to tell you?"
"Mhm." I nodded quickly.

     I decided on not to tell Luna about Justin and I's argument. She would've started asking questions that I didn't want to answer.

     "So, what do you want to do tonight?"
     "I invited Justin over."
     "I forgot you invited him for our sleepover."
     "It's not like he's sleeping here. He's just making dinner and hanging out with us. His house is literally next to mine, Luna. We can talk about boys all you want after."
     "Fine," She groaned, "What time will he be here?"
     "Around six."
"Why'd you even invite him?"
     "Luna," I glared at her, "He's our friend."
     "Friend who doesn't tell their friend that their half sister is 'dating' the friend?"
     I rolled my eyes, "Come on, Lun. We've known him since we were like three."
     "Okay, I'll be nice to him."
     "Thank you."
     "If he's nice to me."
     I rolled my eyes and sighed, Ding! Ding!
     "That's probably him, now be nice." I walked to the door, leaving Luna in the kitchen, I adjusted my bangs, and opened the door to Justin with a smile on his face. "Hi." I smiled.
     "Come in." I opened the door wider. He walked in, instantly making eye contact with Luna. I grabbed the TV remote and turn it on so it wouldn't be awkward by the silence.
     We walked into the kitchen, "Hey, Lun." Justin said.
     "Hi, Justin." Luna said with a fake smile on her face. I mentally rolled my my eyes.
     "So, I'm assuming you guys are hungry," I said, "I'm making spaghetti which is the only thing I can make." I turned to the pot of pasta noodles swimming in boiling water.
     "Do you need help with anything?" Justin sat on a stool next to Luna which made Luna glare at him.
     "Actually yes. I'm making the sauce from scratch." I fidgeted with my fingers.
     "Alright, what can I do?" Justin asked. I opened my mouth to reply but Luna's phone ramg. She looked at it, "It's my dad." She groaned. I glanced at Justin but he quickly looked at Luna bringing her phone up to her ear. "Hello?" She said with obvious annoyance in her voice. Her eyebrows furrowed. "Okay, I'll be there right now." She hung up the phone.
     "What happened?" I asked.
     "I guess my step mom got in a car accident and she's in the hospital. I have to go." Luna said as she got up.
     "Wait, wait, wait," I followed Luna to the front door, Justin followed, "Can I—we come with you?"
     "Daisy, no. You're making dinner."
     "I'll turn the stove off."
     Luna sighed, "Cover you ears, Justin."
     "What?" He asked.
     "Just do it." Luna sighed. He plugged his ears and Luna turned back to me.
     "You want to come with me because you don't want to be alone with him, right?" She whispered making my face turn bright red.
     "No, I-I never said that."
     "Daisy, stay here. I'll probably be back in a few hours. You'll be fine. Call me if you need anything." Luna reassured me. I nodded. She removed Justin hands from his ears.
     "Bye guys." Luna opened the door.
     "Bye. Keep us updated on your step mom!" Justin shouted.
     "Okay!" She shouted. I pursed my lips and closed the door. I quickly turned towards him, still fidgeting with my fingers.
     "Let's continue making dinner, alright?" I smiled and walked into the kitchen.

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