5 | Unnecessary Rules

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     I was absolutely dreading the frat party. I didn't even know what to expect. I wanted to cry in my bed all day.

     I was about five minutes late to first period. Why did I decide to sleep ten more minutes? It turned into thirty minutes. I sped walked to my most strict teacher of the day. I contemplated on going inside because the stares and have Ms. Figden embarras me in front of the entire class is my worst nightmare. I grabbed the door knob and braced myself for whatever is coming. I opened the door and everyone turned their attention to the door. "Daisy, why are you late?" Ms. Figden said sternly. "I, uh, overslept." I whispered, trying to not cause a scene. "Overslept, huh?" Her voice raised. "Yes?" I lifted one eyebrow. "Being late gets a detention, Ms. Butera!" She scolded. I cleared my throat, "I know." I whispered. She got a pink slip from under her desk, writes on it, and handed it to me, "Sit." She demanded. I grabbed the slip and took my seat in the very back. "I hate this class too." Justin whispered. "I have no idea why she hates me so much." I whispered as my eyes rolled. "She hates everyone." He laughed. "Justin! Daisy! Stop talking!" Ms. Fidgen shouted, making me jump. "You aren't even teaching, you're literally just sitting there." He laughed. Some students joined him. "Justin, you have detention!" She shouted. "Alright." He shrugged. I turned to him and laughed.

After Justin and I left detention, he said he was going to meet up with India and I said I'll meet up with Luna. We decided to go to my house all together since Poppy wanted to prepare us for our first frat party. I don't get Poppy and Rose sometimes. Like I didn't need to know certain things about parties, I mean, it's common sense. "So are you excited about the party?" Luna smiled. "No. But I'm excited about me trying new things." I said as I almost dropped my English book I'm holding to my chest. I hate weekend homework.

     We walked out of the building and walked towards the parking lot. I squinted, trying to find Justin's car, even though I had my glasses on. I spotted him and India sucking each others mouths off by his car. "Gross." I mumbled. Luna charged over to them. I sped walked with her. "Um, could you guys not eat each others lips off?" Luna said. You could tell by her facial expression that she's disgusted. They both rolled their eyes and Justin leaned in for one more kiss before they got into the car. He unlocked the back doors and Luna and I got in. "How was your day, Luna? Daisy?" Justin asked. "Good. Up until I saw you." Luna said sarcastically. Justin laughed. "Same to you, Lun. How about you, Dais? How was your day?" He asked. "It was fine." I said looking out the window. I could see him nod at the corner of my eye. "Dais." India grabbed my attention. "Huh?" I shot my head to her direction. "Justin told me he taught you how to drive." She said, looking behind her shoulder. "Yeah?" I chuckled. Why is she telling me this? "You can drive Luna home now." She smirked. "Uh, if I had a car and more driving lessons then I could." I chuckled. "Do you want me to teach you more?" Justin asked, looking at me through the rear view mirror. "Yeah, do you want Justin to teach you more things?" India smirked as Justin shifted uncomfortably in his seat. My face reddened and I looked at Luna. "India, stop." Justin demanded. "Hey! Lets all just shut the hell up and get to Daisy's house, alright?" Luna said. "Thank you." I mouthed to her.

     We finally arrived at my lovely humble abode. I really wished I could just get back to my life laying in bed all day. But I had to try new things. Most teenagers have had their first kiss and even lost their virginity. I haven't even been kissed nor dated anyone. I really didn't plan on it because boys rarely acknowledge me, but I'm not mad about it, that's just how it is. I'm used to it.

     "Poppy!" I shouted as my voice echoed, "Poppy?"
     "What?" I heard Poppy's voice from the top of the stairs. We walked to the stairs and saw Poppy.
     Her eyes widened, "Shit."
     "Did you just get out of the shower?"
     She groaned, "I forgot. Just hold on I'll be down there in like five minutes." She walked off into her room. I sighed and walked into the kitchen with everyone behind me.
     "Do any of you want anything to drink? Or eat?"
     "I'm sure India and Justin are full from earlier." Luna smirked as she grabbed an apple.
     "Come on, Luna." India scolded Luna.
     "Hey, hey, it was just a joke. And Luna," I turned to her, "Stop being mean." I pointed my index finger at her.
     "Fine." Luna said as she bit her apple.
     I sighed, "Does anyone want anything to drink or eat?"
     "Can I have a water bottle?" India asked. I nodded. I got a water bottle and handed it to her.
     "Thank you." She smiled.
     I heard running, "Poppy?" I called out.
     "Oh, hey." Poppy almost slipped and put her elbow on the wall, smiling like nothing happened. Our family is very clumsy. I giggled.    
     "Alright! Come on children, take a seat." She walked to the living room and Luna, India, Justin, and I sat on the couch. "Okay so its currently," She paused and brung out her phone, "3:26 and we have very little time to prepare for this party." She said.
     "We have like, six hours." I said.
     "College parties take time." She claimed as I rolled my eyes, "So the first thing I need you to know is what to bring. The bathrooms are the last place you ever want to be in your life. Make sure to bring hand sanitizer, tissues incase Luna decides to start crying." Poppy smirked, making us laugh, except Luna.
     "It's not my fault how I act when I'm drunk." Luna defended herself.
     "Anyways, and if you want to, and Dais, this doesn't apply to you, bring condoms. You don't want a child with a frat boy."
     "Who wants to have sex with a frat boy in the first place?" I placed my elbows on my knees and rested my chin in my hands.
     Luna gave me a glare, "Frat boys are cute, who wouldn't?"
     "She is right." India shrugged.
     Justin's mouth dropped,"Babe?"
     "What? They are. At least I'm not lying, like Daisy." India glared at me.
     "I never said that!"
     "Okay! Okay, next thing you need to know is, make sure you have a designated driver, which is Rose. Next is, Don't draw attention to yourself incase the cops show up, just casually walk to the car and, don't go running. Also, know the rules for beer pong and flip cup, I'm guessing you already know." She exclaimed while everyone agreed, except me.
     "Daisy, those are the easiest games ever." Luna scoffed.
     "I'm not going to be playing anyways."
     Poppy sighed, "Wear comfortable shoes. Be cautious of the people you give your number to or decide to befriend tonight. The last rule is that frat parties always have a theme." She grinned and clasped her hands together.
     "What's tonight's theme?" India asked.
     "Angels and devils." Poppy smiled.
     "Ooh!" Luna and India clapped.
     "Justin, you need to go get clothes from your house, and girls, you can borrow some of our clothes," Poppy smiled, "So, decide if you want to be a devil or an angel."
     "Daisy, we're going as a couple." Luna looked over India and Justin's shoulder. I nodded and faked a smile. Justin and India decided he will be an angel and India will be a devil, and Luna wanted to be an angel so I had to be the devil, I don't really care though. Rose and Poppy are going as angels. Poppy should've chose the devil.

      Poppy and Rose did Luna, India, and I's makeup. I insisted on doing my own makeup because I hate people touching my face. I looked at my hair and makeup in the mirror while Luna and India were taking pictures.

     My eyeliner was thicker than usual. Poppy put fake eyelashes and bright red matte lipstick on me. My hair is down and straightened for the first time in forever, I have a lot of hair and it's hard to tame so I usually put it in a ponytail or a bun. I didn't even know my hair was this long.
     On the other hand, India had dramatic black and red glittery eye lids and Luna had silvery and white eye lids. "Alright! Daisy time to get dressed!" Poppy shouted. "That's my outfit?" I pointed at the red silky tank with black lace trim at the top. "Yeah! Isn't cute?" She grinned. "Actually, yes." I confessed.

     I went to the bathroom, slipped my clothes off, and put on the red silky tank and black high-waisted jeans. The shirt was really cute, I'm surprised they didn't pick out some type of lingerie for me. I fixed my bangs, put on the devil headband on, and came out of the bathroom, "How do I look?" I asked. They all ran up to my and squealed, making my ears hurt. "Okay! Okay! Okay..." I shooed them away. "Sorry." They said. "It's fine." I said. I looked at their outfits and my eyes widened at the difference.

     Luna was wearing a white bodycon tank dress with white strappy heels, a halo, and small white wings with her wavy jet black long hair draping over one shoulder. India was wearing an off the shoulder red velvet tight dress with red pumps, sparkly devil ears, and her messy wavy blonde hair behind her shoulders. Poppy was wearing a white silky tank dress with a sparkly halo and white sock fit ankle boots and her black short hair in its regular waves. "Can I wear heels?" I asked hesitantly. "Sure," Poppy shrugged, "Which ones?" She pointed to the small pile of heels.
     I crouched down and started digging through the pile of shoes. I saw a patent red sock fit boot and I grabbed it. The heel is pretty high, about four inches. I found the other shoe and put them on. I stood up and stumbled a little, "Do they look okay?" I asked. They all agreed so I guessed I will be struggling to walk in these the whole night.

     We walked downstairs, catching the boys attention since all of our heels are hitting the wooden floors. We reached the bottom and I hid behind Luna. "Dais, what are you doing?" She whispered while Justin was talking to India and Tristian is making small talk to Poppy and Rose. "Just hanging out." I whispered. She lightly shoved me for me to be beside her. "Okay, let's go kids!" Rose grabbed her keys. "We're not kids." Luna said. "Pool boy better not be coming." I whispered while Luna and I walked out the door together. "Please be quiet, Lilac and Willow." She squinted at us as she closed the front door. Luna and I groaned out of annoyance.

     Justin and India sat in front of us and Rose and Poppy sat in front of them. Luna, Tristian, and I sat in the back. Luna told me to sit in the middle because I'm the smallest, which made me roll my eyes. But it's true.
     "Hey Dais," Luna whispers, I turn my head towards her, "I invited Cole." She added, all smiley.
     Why does she keep trying with Cole? He's an asshole and only wants sex like the rest of the boys in high school. Just like Rose is still trying to be with Nicolaus. Why is my family attracted to assholes?
     "Cool." I replied, nonchalantly. 
     "Rose invited pool boy." She laughed.
     "Oh, great. Sounds like I'm going to be alone all night again. Can't wait."
    "Don't be like that, Daisy." I don't reply, I already know what's going to happen tonight.

But then, I had no idea what to expect from this frat party.

hope you liked the new chapter♥️

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love and see you in the next chapter🌼

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